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Hello All. Cool news, we have the concert from me and Rob Papen ready for a release its called. GR-339 / “A November evening @ CKE” Ron Boots & Rob Papen With guest drummer Harold van der Heijden ![]() Recorded the 12th of November 2022 at E-live, location CKE Eindhoven. Mixed and mastered @ Studio RP Album cover picture by Andre Stooker Special thanks: Harold van der Heijden for joining Ron and Rob in this live gig, CKE Eindhoven, Team E-Live, Andre Stooker, and the great audience of E-Live. Stock check new entries. As with each stock check we have entered a lot of new stock and these are also a lot of CD’s that where out of the catalog for some time. At this moment we try to not add to much new titles as we are planning the new site to be online on the first week of 2023. And maintaining 2 sites is not very efficient!! But check the list down at the bottom of this E-News! But we expect that all should be ready on time, Tamara van Osenbruggen is designing now the front page and all the widgeds that will make is fun to wakl through!! And adding and tagging CD’s takes time but we are on scedule!! And a new Dreamscape is available later today for you!! https://dreamscape.groove.nl/ Check the new Edition of Dreamscape Radio! Thanks for your time Ron Boots HELLO 2023 (German txt) Jahresabschlusskonzert des Schallwende-Vereins mit Martin Stürtzer und Sphäre Sechs https://planetarium-bochum.de/de_DE/program/hello-2023.1333301 Zum diesjährigen Elektronik-Jahresendkonzert konnte der Schallwende-Verein mit Martin Stürtzer ein echtes Elektronik-musikalisches Multitalent verpflichten. Wer Martins Home-Konzerte regelmäßig verfolgt, kennt die Spannbreite seines Gesamtwerks, das von Ambient über Berliner Schule/Sequenzen bis in den Dub/Techno-Bereich reicht. Das Set, das Martin uns im ersten Teil dieses Konzerts spielen wird, wird den Schwerpunkt im Ambient/Sequencer-Bereich haben, neue und bisher sonst nirgendwo gehörte Klänge nicht ausgeschlossen. Für den zweiten Teil wird Martin sich seinen langjährigen musikalischen Partner Christian Stritzel und sein Theremin auf die Bühne holen. Als Duo “Sphäre Sechs” werden sie uns – passend zu den Projektionen von Klaus-Dieter Unger ganz tief in die Weiten des Alls mitnehmen! Eintrittspreise:- 25€ Groove wird ein stand haben und wenn sie ihre CDs vobestellen und ab holen geben wir ihn ein rabat von 15 % auf alle CDs am lager!!! Each year we in the Netherlands have a special poll on what was the best song ever made in pop/rock music. Now we are planning a poll for the Electronic music. Would you think that it would be a good plan 🙂 then let me know and we will set it up!! As for polls!! Facebook page SynthforBreakfast held a poll that was a non surprise 🙂 BEST ELECTRONIC ALBUM (2022 POLL RESULTS) This poll took place between November 14 and December 4. 4668 votes were collected and you came up with nearly 200 albums. Please note this is not a scientific trial, it is a subjective matte. But if we get more group members and readers, the poll results will improve. We hope to offer you a list with albums / artists that you have not seen/heard before… So hopefully you’ll join next time? Below you’ll find the top 10. The full list is here: https://www.synthforbreakfast.nl/all-time-best…/ ![]() ![]() Even though the music of Parallel Worlds is quite a challenge in itself, I have become a fan over the years. And what better way to start your discovery of this very special sound universe than with an album produced by DiN and mastered by Ian Boddy, who seems to be the only one to capture the essence of Bakis Siros music that he composes on the border of darkness? PLECTOR is the 3rd solo album that the Greek musician realizes on the English label. And it is undoubtedly one of his most accessible with this mixture of resonant rhythms à la Arc, which border the borders of the Electronica, and structures not necessarily too ambient, of which the superb Harmonic Pathways, in phases of noises which are the sources of multiple possibilities of his modular synths. It’s literally 45 minutes of pure tonal pleasure that takes over our ears as soon as the title track floods our headphones or roams the walls, ceiling and floor of our listening room. The first breezes of PLECTOR sound like breaths pushed inside a metal tube. These breaths hum in a sonic sky obscured by a whirring cloud, from which emerges a fascinating structure of amphibian rhythm. The gap between the steps of Plector’s bass and rubbery pulsations is filled with stuff both organic and slimy ectoplasmic, creating the effect of a continuous structure that undulates like a large sonorous earthworm that has just eaten twice its weight in sonic food. Percussive pschitt-pschitt and other modular synth noises adorn this vampiric downtempo that continues to crawl under the haunting harmonies of an almost apocalyptic siren-like synth. A line of reverberations snakes the opening of Shapes which, from the 30th second, lets go a rhythmic structure that undulates like a hip-hop in the land of scarlet gnomes. The movement borders an uneasy sensuality and sways in an atmosphere where the echo of sulfur makes echoing the percussive effects. The synth tosses a fabulous Berber chant after the 4th minute that takes the curves of the rhythm. Angles offers a resonant pulsating rhythm. The movement is slow, almost flowing, with the shadow of an undulating bass line that is dark and elastic. It makes a cloud of white noises vibrate with each hit the beat takes. The structure is languid and full of all those little organic tonal treasures innate to the use of modular synths. The synth sculpts a strange and pervasive melody that flickers like a sonic flame over a fauna of threads swarming like sonic invertebrates. Atmoform is a gloomy symphony of drones with tints as celestial as diabolic. We are in the den of a dark ambient music which shears the eardrums. After this short atmospheric chthonian interlude, the opening of Dysfunction makes us hear breaths filled with reverberating materials that vibrate in the echo of the void. Not even 30 seconds in, the rhythm already starts to undulate in a structure similar to Shapes, but with more heaviness and fluidity. The rhythm is surrounded by the creative noises of Bakis Sirros who also carves here a Berber melody melted in a tone that flirts with that of an old Hammond organ. It is very psychedelic of the 70’s, except that the sound fauna of the modern years brings us back to the nowadays psybient. An excellent track with a melodic vision that obsesses the senses! Half-ambient and semi-rhythmic, Dark Machinery comes in with the weight of its slow procession, and burial tune, over the heavy metallic crashes rendered by violent percussive collisions. The atmospheric opening of Intensity literally takes us out of PLECTOR’s industrial noir context with an almost heavenly vision. One can even hear birds humming in the drizzle of the mechanical whirring of a waterfall. This illusion dissipates after 30 seconds to give way to the stammering of a spasmodic rhythmic framework. Various percussion elements structure a teeming bed of static rhythm, while the main melody line jerks intermittently, creat i ng that perfect harmonic mismatch between the bubbling rhythm and its stuttering melody. I’ll just quote DiN’s press guide to describe the Enoesque landscape of Harmonic Pathways. A true gem of meditative ambient music where the darkness of PLECTOR flirts with the skies of Brian Eno. The music in PLECTOR spans a wide range of genres, no matter what the responses of its moods. Over the years, Parallel Worlds has stylized its own musical aesthetic with a plethora of sound effects that give that luscious organic, ectoplasmic texture to music composed astride the edges of hells. PLECTOR is no different, except that Bakis plays on the borders of a dark Electronica and of an England School with slow, dark structures. His most accessible to date! Sylvain Lupari (December 10th, 2022) Additions and changes from December 1 till December 11 2022 *(back) in stock * Bock, Wolfgang – CYCLES (cd) 25612 1980. With Klaus Schulze. $ 21.99 / UKP 15.49 / EURO 17.50 Details/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=25612 *(back) in stock * Boddy, Ian – COIL (cd) 71829 2022. A brand new Boddy is exciting!!. $ 18.75 / UKP 13.25 / EURO 14.90 Details/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=71829 *(back) in stock * Dinger, Thomas – FUR MICH (cd) 24440 1982/2002. Crystal mystery and that pumping Düsseldorf sound. $ 20.99 / UKP 14.75 / EURO 16.75 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=24440 *(back) in stock * DVoxx – 1984 (cd) 83057 $ 18.75 / UKP 13.25 / EURO 14.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=83057 *(back) in stock * Eloy – COLOURS (cd) 24966 1980/2005. Remastered. $ 12.49 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=24966 *(back) in stock * Eloy – DAWN (cd) 21356 1976/2004. Remastered. $ 12.25 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.75 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=21356 *(back) in stock * Eloy – PERFORMANCE (cd) 42360 1983/2005. Remastered. $ 12.49 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=42360 *(back) in stock * Eno, Brian – BEFORE AND AFTER SCIENCE (cd) 36650 1977/1990. 4th solo album. $ 12.49 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=36650 *(back) in stock * Eno, Brian – HERE COME THE WARM JETS (cd) 21555 1973/2004. $ 12.49 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=21555 *(back) in stock * Fanger & Schönwälder & Matt Howarth – ANALOG OVERDOSE IN THE APPLEBAUM NEBULA (cd) 35686 $ 23.75 / UKP 16.75 / EURO 18.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=35686 *(back) in stock * Grosskopf, Harald – SYNTHESIST 2010 (cd) 59898 2010. Rhythm-accentuated electronics, hypnotic elements and world-typical melodies. $ 17.49 / UKP 12.25 / EURO 13.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=59898 *new entry * Jarre, Jean Michel – ELECTRONICA 2: THE HEART OF NOISE (cd) s77332 (2nd hand) 2016. The album features 18 different collaborators. $ 12.75 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 10 We have only ONE copy, so gone=gone! Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=s77332 *(back) in stock * Kebu – TO JUPITER AND BACK (cd) 68771 2012. Kebu is a keyboard wizard who creates new instrumental synthesizer music influenced by the kind that was made in the 70s and 80s. Artists like Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, and Mike Oldfield are his inspiration. Remastered. $ 23.75 / UKP 16.75 / EURO 18.90 We have only ONE copy, so don’t order too late! Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=68771 *(back) in stock * Keller & Schonwalder – LOOPS & BEATS (2-cdr) 69542 1996/2007. A treat for analog nuts. $ 24.99 / UKP 17.49 / EURO 19.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=69542 *(back) in stock * Kosmos, Patrick – LUCID DREAMS (cd) 25143 2000. Two long pieces of each 34+ mins. Out of print (rare). $ 17.49 / UKP 12.25 / EURO 13.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=25143 *new in stock * Moonbooter – REMINISCENCE (cd) 86815 $ 18.25 / UKP 12.75 / EURO 14.50 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=86815 *(back) in stock * Orbital – ORBITAL 2 (BROWN) (cd) 25876 $ 6.25 / UKP 4.49 / EURO 4.99 We have only ONE copy, so order fast! Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=25876 *(back) in stock * Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – OMD SINGLES (cd) 81952 (cut-out) 1998. 18 tracks incl. Enola Gay, Souvenir, Joan of Arc, Locomotion. $ 7.49 / UKP 5.25 / EURO 5.99 We have only ONE copy, so first come = first go! Soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=81952 *(back) in stock * Parallel Worlds – PLECTOR (cd) 39532 $ 18.75 / UKP 13.25 / EURO 14.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=39532 *new entry / track listing and cover added * Rob Papen & Ron Boots – A NOVEMBER EVENING @ CKE (cd) gr-339 2022. Yes the 12th of November concert now on CD!!. $ 18.49 / UKP 12.99 / EURO 14.75 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-339 *(back) in stock * Seifert, Erik – CORE (cd) 21686 2009. Deep space electronic, rhythmic, sequencer-based. $ 18.25 / UKP 12.75 / EURO 14.49 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=21686 *(back) in stock * Trostel, Rolf – NARROW GATE TO LIFE (cd) 29587 Liverecording during a concert on 22nd october 1983 at the spansish cathedr. Digipak $ 21.25 / UKP 14.99 / EURO 16.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=29587 *(back) in stock * Vangelis – EARTH REMASTERED (cd) 23539 2017. First solo CD fully remasterd! Last copies. $ 23.75 / UKP 16.75 / EURO 18.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=23539 *(back) in stock * Wakeman, Rick – JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE / CRIMINAL RECORDS (cd) 39669 1974/2008. 2 lp’s on 1 cd. Jttc(1974) and Cr(1977). $ 12.49 / UKP 8.75 / EURO 9.99 We have only ONE copy! Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=39669 *(back) in stock * Wolfgang Dueren – EYELESS DREAMS (cd) 22673 2022. In 1980, Wolfgang Düren released his only album, the long player Eyeless Dreams”.. Remastered. $ 19.99 / UKP 13.99 / EURO 15.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=22673 *(back) in stock * Wouden, Rene van der – KALEIDOSCOPIC SURREALISM (cdr) 40469 2003/2007. Ambient analogue soundscapes, sequencer, rhythm. $ 16.25 / UKP 11.49 / EURO 12.90 Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=40469 |
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