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[Groove] E-News 1305 January 8th 2023 |
Welcome to this new E-News. We hope to launch te new webstore next week or the week after that, we are in the final stages of testing and editing. That is why we have not entered any new releases on the old site. But If you wait just a bit you can start enjoying the new store we build for you!! . But I have a question to all who buy’s music from Groove. We now have the possibility to add a !! Free!! download to a CD purchase from Groove. This means that if you buy one of the Groove Unlimited CD releases you get an instant .mp3 download with it so you can start enjoying the music right away. Without extra costs. Would this be an idea that you would like!! Many buy downloads so they can instantly listen to the music but linger to get the CD release at some point if they really love the album. That would be solved by this possibility. Let me know your thoughts on this if you want to. Mail me ron@groove.nl ————————————– Paul Ellis his album “5 Bliss Machines …” made the top 20 at Stars End Congrats it is a fantastic release and I am proud Groove has released this!! https://www.starsend.org/ ————————————— Just a kind reminder from me. The voting for German most important electronic music award “Schallwelle” will close at 15.1.2023. It would be great, if you would vote for a “national / international artist of the year 2022” and “national / international album of the year 2022”. Maybe, it will be one of the Groove Unlimited releases of 2022 that you will vote for. Here is the link to the voting pages: http://www.schallwen.de/swvoting/en/ (English) Or use the links right to the voting lists!! Here they are. Best Artist/Musician National: http://www.schallwen.de/news/artist_nat.html Best International Artist/Musician: http://www.schallwen.de/news/artist_int.html Best Album National: http://www.schallwen.de/news/album_nat.html Best Album International: http://www.schallwen.de/news/album_int.html And to help you on your way I have made a special Dreamscape Radio. This Dreamscape Radio has all Groove CD releases of 2022 for the Schallwelle Elections. 2 hours of music for you so you can check out all Groove’s releases !! Enjoy!! And I have listed all these great releases of 2022 down here!! Looking back at 2022 I must admit it was an awesome year music wise. What a list of fantastic musicians and their music! Thanks for your time Ron Boots The releases of 2022 on Groove!! GR-324 – Dave Bessell and Liam Boyle – IMAGINATOR ![]() Dave Bessell and Liam Boyle first met on Facebook through an interest in Node. Liam has a very wide range of musical interests and skills including the classical avant garde so Dave invited him to a performance of one of his classical modernist pieces for orchestra at Plymouth University. The two hit it off and first collaborated on a track called Theme One from Dave’s solo electronic album ‘Black Horses of the Sun’. It was always on the cards that these two would collaborate further and in 2020 the opportunity arose which resulted in this latest album ‘Imaginator’ their first on Groove Unlimited. CD version / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-324 Bandcamp / https://davebessellandliamboyle.bandcamp.com/…/imaginator —————————————————– GR-325 – PAUL ELLIS & JARED WHITE – UNBROKEN SPIRIT. ![]() Unbroken Spirit with Jared White will be coming out on Groove Unlimited in 10 days. I normally record my Spacemusic with no drum machines, I just use interlocking sequencers for the rhythm, but lately I’ve been feeling it was time to explore that side. Jared asked about doing a project together and I thought it would be the perfect time. Reference points would lean towards Schmoelling era (80’s) TD, William Orbit, Patrick O’Hearn, and maybe a dash of Ulrich Schnauss. Of course it also doesn’t sound like anyone else but us. I’m really happy with this one. CD / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-325 Bandcamp / https://paulellis.bandcamp.com/ —————————————————– GR-326 – GERT EMMENS – ON THE EDGE OF NOWHERE. ![]() If there is one artist on Groove of which fans always longer for new music it is Gert Emmens. Each work has a disitinct sound, a fingerprint that is the music of Gert. Warmsounding, melodic with a unique soloing and rythmic structures. This is one of his more moody releases, Nostalgic is perhaps the right discription. I loved it from the start. A Gert that will again mesmerise his fans but also will open his music to new fans! An absolute must for all EM lovers. Dutch most prolific and melodic EM artist does it again. Pure musical pleasure. CD version / https://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-326 And from Bandcamp / https://gertemmens.bandcamp.com/ —————————————————– GR -327 – FD.Project – COLOR OF LIFE (cd) ![]() A great new release by Frank. Many fans will love this new release!! Details/soundclips/ordering: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-327 GR – 328 / Rene de Bakker – Passing By ![]() A work that shows his struggles with the dementia of his father. Member of Beyond Berlin which shines through in this album!! A deep emotional album!!. CD: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-328 Bandcamp: https://bakkerrenede.bandcamp.com/ ———————————————————————- GR – 329 / Johan Tronestam – Androids ![]() This music was created in Lemland / Åland 2021-2022. Androids has been an exciting album to create. Developments in artificial intelligence and androids have been very rapid and are constantly evolving faster. Powerful processors, advanced software and other technology create better capabilities for a more human response and androids that can move more like humans. It attracts and scares us at the same time. For example, there are countless movies and TV series that move within the area. Androids that are good or evil, for the most part they have a strength that no human can measure up to, as well as an intelligence that is superior to us. But will the androids that we see in the film world become a reality, will we eventually have self-thinking, created individuals in our vicinity? If the answer is yes, ethical issues arise that are larger than Asimov’s robot laws. We will make demands on androids, but should they also be covered by a protection similar to human rights? Or will it become more like a slave trade where they are lawless and can be treated without any ethical principles? If they become self-thinking and aware of their existence, the question is very simple to me. We are equal. Johan Tronestam CD: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-329 Bandcamp: https://tronestamjohan.bandcamp.com/ ———————————————————————- GR-330 – John Christian – Via Australis ![]() Hometown gigs are pretty rare events. I’ve been working on trying to drum up some more local interest in electronic and experimental music and it paid off with an offer to open for (the very interesting) Leafcutter John at my favourite venue, South Street Arts. I prepared a set based around my Nord Modular G2, a machine that never fails to impress. Two complex patches define the two main sections of the set – each being mostly made up of extremely hands-on, playable sequencers. A few other devices provide bridge effects and drums in a fairly simple compact rig. In the week leading up to the gig I played the set through several times, finding the tricky bits and getting a feel for the best tweaks. This recording includes the best of those rehearsals, plus the concert itself. As a result the tracks follow a similar structure and the same sounds will show up in similar places, but the results are two quite different expressions. JC Apr 22 CD: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-330 Bandcamp: https://jchristianongroove.bandcamp.com/ ———————————————————————-GR-331 – Skoulaman – Mundus in Motu ![]() This album was created during the two pandemic years without life performances. The title refers to our changing world, where it seems to be out of control. People are moving around the world to find a save place due to the climate change and wars. this album is dedicated to all that people who lost their homes. Families and friends. Some of the tracks on this album are darker than I usually tend to do. I also use a modular synthesizer which I bought second hand and I was very surprised with the possibilities of this system. Thank you, Rene Chaigneau. Track one was recorded live in a shutdown 680 mW coal fired powerplant, where I used to work for, but due to CO2 rules the plant was closed and I lost my job. Happily, I was asked to assist in the demolition process (my new job). Thank you, Ruud van de Star. I had the possibility to make some live videos there for the Raumzeit II festival. Thank you, Stevan Erbe. Ron Boots and Andre Stooker. It was very special to stand there between thousand’s tons of steel in the main boiler-room (80 meters high) close to the coal grinders and perform music. Hans van Kroonenburg CD: http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-331 Bandcamp: https://skoulamanongroove.bandcamp.com———————————————————————- GR-332 – CHRISTIAN & BEASLEY – STORIES ![]() 2 of Airsculptures pole bearers joining in to make this Berlin School frenzy.. CD – http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-332 Bandcamp – https://johnchristianadrianbeasley.bandcamp.com/ ———————————————————————- GR – 334 – Kosmos, Patrick – VISITOR 1988 (cd) ![]() 2022. Together with Patrick brother Philip Groove plans to release his vast musicand here is part 4 of the journey with our Cosmic Courier. The Visitor 1988 is a mesmerising musical journey.. Details/ordering / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-334 Bandcamp / https://patrickkosmos.bandcamp.com/album/visitor-1988 ——————————————————————— GR -335 – Beyond Berlin – LIVE AT AWAKENINGS (cd) ![]() Beyond Berlin – LIVE AT AWAKENINGS (cd) gr-335 2022. By now Beyond Berlin is a household name in the Berlin School scene this is a great live registration of their first UK performance.. Details/ordering / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-335 Bandcamp / https://beyondberlinongroove.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-awakenings —————————————————– GR-336 – PAUL ELLIS – FIVE BLISS MACHINES ON THE INFINITE STAGE This new Paul Ellis is a step back into the world of Berlin School after the Panorama series. A space journey through sounds and sequences that will trickle your ears. The sound is as always superb, Paul knows his stuff! A joy for the ears! Details/soundclip/ordering / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-336 Bandcamp./ https://paulellis.bandcamp.com/album/five-bliss-machines-on-the-infinite-stage ———————————————– GR-337 – SKOULAMAN & RON BOOTS – HOT AUGUST AFTERNOON ![]() Well this is a funny one, getting a phone call at 9.00 in the morning, still a sleep monique told the caller to get back later. The caller was Frank Gerber od Electronic Circus. Detlef Keller became sick ad if I could step in on a festival! The catch was I only had 2 days to prepair! What to do? I first said know but within a minute a phoned back and said yep!! As it was Hans Kroonenber (aka Skoulaman) had just performed the Saturday before at the Garden Party of Schallwell 🙂 I phoned him to ask if the studio was already put toghther again! Well it was but when I asked if he would like to join me on stage there was a quick yes:-) And so this concert happend without any real preparation, but it turned out really well. And with a little bit of Tangenizing here is the CD of this concert. Those who where there will miss a few parts as it did not fit on the CD release. Kinda proud of this one. Making music with Hans was pure fun!! Details/soundclips/ordering / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-337 Bandcamp./ https://skoulamanronboots.bandcamp.com/album/hot-august-afternoon ———————————————– GR-338 – FD.PROJECT – DISTANCE ![]() Frank is one of the most prolific EM artists around and again he amazes me with a superb album. Sequences, Guitars, Soaring leads, it’s all there! His music is engaging and at times makes you tap your feet 🙂 A great new release !! Details/soundclips/ordering / http://www.groove.nl/jump2.php?artnum=gr-338 Copyright © 2023 Groove Unlimited, All rights reserved. |