![]() Welcome to a new E-News!! Lots of news!! And a few really special releases although not from Groove they are worth the look!! First of me and Monique want to thanks Elaine nd David Wright for a smashing week in the UK. Lots off talks, great food and even more idea’s for the future!! It is good to have friends. David Wright & Carys with special guest Ron Boots – Beyond the Airwaves #6 First a bit of fun…a 2 minute time-lapse video of the BTA#6 set-up with David Wright, Ron Boots, Stephan Whitlan, Carys and Graham Bedford. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgouhjKspUw&t=8s And here is the full set of all musicians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf4DL1P4Z0E Electronic music by UK composer David Wright with his guests Ron Boots and Carys at ‘Beyond the Airwaves #6 Live streamed concert’ on July 28th 2023. This is the edited version, removing lengthy gaps between sets and levelling and balancing the sound. Please note there are some glitches during the introduction and the first couple of tracks on Carys’s set before things settle down. Otherwise this was a very good event, the in house audience had a good time, so please enjoy. And a gentle reminder that while the event is free to watch, donations are appreciated towards the cost of putting on the event. Donations can be made to: paypal.me/davidwrightmusic 00:00 Start/intro 01:08 Carys 34:42 Ron Boots 01:39:13 David Wright 01:55:00 David Wright and Ron Boots So tomorrow Sunday there will be a new Dreamscape radio, check that out! https://dreamscape.groove.nl/index.php?play Have a nice weekend! Ron Boots ———————————————————————————————————————————– 2 special releases on Bandcamp We had 2 very special releases on bandcamp this week!! If you love Electronic music these are must haves and you are supporting good causes!! Berlin – Mark Shreeve tribute album: https://markshreeve-tributealbum.bandcamp.com/album/berlin-a-tribute-album-for-mark-shreeve Last year we lost another “great” from the electronic music scene, Mark Shreeve. Mark was a lovely, unassuming guy, and his contribution to the em scene was immense. I was delighted…and honoured… to be one of the artists who contributed to this tribute album. The album is available from Bandcamp…here are the official press details. ‘Berlin – A Tribute Album for Mark Shreeve’ is a new collection of over two and a half hours of previously unreleased and amazing electronic music tracks created by sixteen established electronic music bands, including Mark, from Europe and USA, dedicated to Mark Shreeve, renowned creator, and performer of exceptional electronic music from the late 1970s up until his passing in 2022. A forty-three-page colour booklet is included, covering track/artist information, Mark’s career, discography, tributes, and more. All proceeds go to cancer research. Make a difference to people’s lives, buy here: https://markshreeve-tributealbum.bandcamp.com/album/berlin-a-tribute-album-for-mark-shreeve —————————————————————————- Dutch Electronic Masters IV https://thecosmicmusicalconnection.bandcamp.com/album/dutch-electronic-masters-iv?fbclid=IwAR19IOXdqmndZFABgPItlp519NnQsob3EYJ7judRG8d_Jarts3wKYDTHyaU ![]() A 65 track music extravaganza with most of the Dutch EM scene on this release with all unique tracks. An absolute banger of a release that will have you listing for more then 6 hours!! To many names to list here but check the list here and have a listen!! https://thecosmicmusicalconnection.bandcamp.com/album/dutch-electronic-masters-iv?fbclid=IwAR19IOXdqmndZFABgPItlp519NnQsob3EYJ7judRG8d_Jarts3wKYDTHyaU ———————————————————————————————————————————– AD Music & Groove Coop So this is special, AD Music struggels with the sales to you lovers of Electronic Music in Europe. High shipping costs, VAT/TAX extra’s makes getting CD’s from the UK a expensive and difficult case. David told me sales had been less then before the bloody Brexit!! Well here Groove can help, as from today we have (and we took 150 + CD’s as stock with us) almost all AD Music CD;s in stock and we offer them for nearly the same price as AD Music on their site for all you who live in Europe. And we can send them without VAT/TAX and our regular shipping costs. So if you now add them to an order the price is pretty nice 🙂 We have a special section on the featured labels we have on the main page! Click on them and find out what is there and ready for you to ship! We hope we can get those sales back up for these great labels and musicians!! And this goes also for all titles of Ian Boddy’s DIN!! ![]() We now have the brand new release also instock!! David Wright + Carys – Oracle https://www.groove.nl/shop/david-wright-carys-oracle/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() Oracle’ is a magical musical journey blending elements of new age and electronic space music with a touch of ambient and the avant-garde. A follow-up to their 2017 release, ‘Prophecy’, ‘Oracle’ is a far more varied and yet more focussed work. Strong synth and sequence passages by David Wright along with his adept arrangements are complemented by the evocative and sublime vocal textures of Carys . The combination of synths, sounds and voice perfectly complement each other here. The additional choir and string orchestration by David add an almost cinematic feel to proceedings. 12 varied tracks blend effortlessly together, forming a complete 78 minute opus split into two movements. The first half is ‘The Temple Suite’ and part 2 ‘The Orion Suite’. This result is an epic synth and choral symphony and presents music for the heart, mind and soul on a grandiose scale. Atmospheric vistas laced with mysterious beauty present haunting passages that are intertwined with hypnotic and evolving sequences providing gentle rhythmic motion that is all held together by memorable musical themes. ‘Oracle’ incorporates all the best elements of the new age and electronic space music genres. From the thematic to gentle ambience, from glorious sequences and rhythms to the evocative and ethereal vocal textures of Carys…’Oracle’ ebbs and flows through it all, taking the listener on a journey through the cosmos that they will want to revisit time and time again. Oracle is a stunning ambient music journey for the soul. ———————————————————————————————————————————– ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL TIME 4 festivals are due the comming months. First E-Live news, we have less then 70 tickets left! E-Live 2023 – 14th of October 2023. Tickets at https://www.groove.nl/…/e-live-2023-14th-of-october…/… ————————————————————————— (TXT in German!) 25. schallwende-Grillfest in der Essener Gruga! Sonntag, 13. August ab 15.30Uhr. Und zwar wieder auf dem Grillplatz 4 (wie früher auch) . (Vorher – um 15 Uhr – soll die Jahreshauptversammlung 2023 des Vereins stattfinden.) Es musizieren für Dich Uni Sphere aus den Niederlanden (Eric van der Heijden, René Splinter) Dieter Herten aus Krefeld Der Eintritt: nur der Grugaeintritt von 4€; ermäßigt 1,20€ bis 2,50€; Familien 6€ bis 8,50€; Info: www.grugapark.de Eine kleine Bitte: Wenn du etwas für die Umwelt tun möchtest, bringe doch eigenes Geschirr, Besteck, Glas, Kaffeetasse mit; das reduziert den Papp- bzw. Plastikmüll. Drück‘ mal die Daumen für gutes Wetter; die Prognosen sind eigentlich ganz gut; wolln’s hoffen. ————————————————————————— DUTCH ELETRONIC MASTERS Concert Sociaal-Cultureel Centrum ‘t Tejaterke Za. 26-08-2023 – 14:00 uur The Dutch Electronic Masters Music Festival will take place this year in Best near Eindhoven. You can still order tickets via https://www.ticketview.nl/shop/tejaterke?eventID=3886 But there is a second way to get the tickets. You just send an e-mail to harald-gramberg@maghreb.nl and write how many cards you want. You can then easily pay cash at the cash register. The price is always 15 euros, both in advance and at the box office. And for those who come there will be a free CD at the Groove stand for you to pick out from the Groove catalog!! So join us on this great day with performances of. Elektronische Maschine https://elektronischemaschine.bandcamp.com/ Great to see them again!! The peoples Republic of Europa https://thepeoplesrepublicofeurope.bandcamp.com/ The Peoples Republic of Europe. Netherlands. Dutch industrial hardcore/Doomcore band. With some rhythmic noise influences and experiments into dark ambient . Feralia Planitia https://feraliaplanitia.bandcamp.com/album/feralia-planitia Scifi and cyberpunk-inspired electro by Feralia Planitia, one woman project by Simona Dellamorte. Ron Boots (solo) I will go back to my roots with a inspired concert by Klaus Schulze. Now let’s look forward to a beautiful day in Best near Eindhoven, all about good electronic music don’t miss it!! ————————————————————————— Electronic Circus in Hamm 9th Sept 2023. ![]() I wanted to take the opportunity to do some advertising for the Electronic Circus in Hamm at the beginning of September. As far as the number of acts and variety of styles is concerned, the Circus is the largest European EM event in Germany. The team around Frank and Hans-Hermann is very committed and has repeatedly brought new names and impulses to the scene over the years. After four years, it’s working again, in a new place, and if you want to come, book your tickets early! As with all events, the organizers have to pay in advance at some point, which includes hall rental, hotel bookings, catering, etc. and the better the pre-sale goes, the better! https://www.facebook.com/events/278650561365004 So lots of places where are music is alive and kicking!! Get of your butts and visit those musicians they desrive it!! 🙂 ———————————————————————————————————————————– NEW ADDITIONS!! David Wright + Carys – Oracle ![]() 12 varied tracks blend effortlessly together, forming a complete 78 minute opus split into two movements. The first half is ‘The Temple Suite’ and part 2 ‘The Orion Suite’. This result is an epic synth and choral symphony and presents music for the heart, mind and soul on a grandiose scale. Tomorrow in Dreamscape radio!! ———————————————————— Sylvain Carel – Semiramis ![]() Tomorrow in Dreamscape radio!! ———————————————————— Steve Orchard – For Sunny Days ![]() Despite its title, ‘For Sunny Days’ finds Steve Orchard in something of a reflective mood, contemplating blue skies and the warmth of the sun with a gentle, heartfelt longing. Kind of akin to strolling along country paths without a care in the world, while taking in the wonder and beauty that surrounds you. Indeed, the music drifts effortlessly past you like the summer breeze, lifting your spirits with delicate rhythms and warming your soul with gentle melodies and memorable themes. There are nice rhythmic interludes, like the deep drums that kick in after 2 minutes of the title track. Or the gentle rhythms on the excellent ‘Heart Haze’, ‘Southerly Breeze’ and ‘Beach Life’. For the most part though, the rhythms move gently beneath Steve’s impressive orchestration and arrangements. And this is an album where Steve’s excellent guitar work takes a back seat for the most part, with keys and synths very much to the fore. Steve has the knack of being able to conjure up moods, whether it be his ambient excursions or on new age albums like this. ‘For Sunny Days’ perfectly reflects a mood of summer without ever venturing into cliche. ———————————————————— Andy Pickford – Xenomorph Upgraded ![]() Xenomorph. I could actually just leave it there and bugger off for my lunch, but you guys would be a bit disappointed I suspect 😉 Album-wise, it was my first off the Centaur label and therefore the first not to be over-mastered at The Townhouse. It was instead under-mastered in the far outer-reaches of the grim North 😉 In subsequent years I attempted my own mastering efforts but still wasn’t really able to bring back the low-end and the transient punch to go with it. Hmmm… this go does pretty well though. I’m not Giles Martin and I don’t have Abbey Road minions to help me out. I do have ProTools though and I was told a few years ago by one of their engineers, that after this long I almost certainly know more about it than most of them do. I regularly evolve my mastering strip and although the latest iteration is producing awesome results (esp. on the Harmonics series which I’m doing at the moment), it’ll probably change again over time. I could bore you with all the technical details of it but bollocks to that. In short I mastered it using all my best shit, 25 years after it was initially done. So unless the engineer’s a tone-deaf marmoset on crack, it’s going to sound better anyway. There, I’ve saved at least a page of BS 😀 ———————————————————— Andy Pickford – Xenomorph Companion ![]() |
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