![]() Hello all 20 days since the last E-News, Flu, lot’s of work etc etc. But hey here we are again with lots of news and new releases! And the coming month is going to be a great time for Electronic Music lovers as we are planning the new Johan Tronestam, Paul Ellis and Awenson CD’s. And hopefully next week a BIG new release will be announced for the end of February. And we are still sending out free CD’s with orders that come in. We just enjoy the great lovely comment Monique and me get from you all when you find the CD. Some even wanted to send it back as they thought we mistakenly added it !!. So we are keep doing this until March 1st 🙂 Just place an order and we will add a freebee for you in the parcel. No costs added. Which CD will be a surprise but they will be from the older Groove catalog! And E-Day is still in full steam. – Less then 75 tickets left!! And yes we have a great line up 🙂 – Sequentia Legenda & Tommy Betzler (France&Germany) – Matzumi (Schwitzerland) – Get Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vs Heijden) (NL) – Perge (UK) Foyer concerts by – Kellerkind Berlin (C. Gorsky) Ticket sales online so you can now order them! https://www.groove.nl/shop/e-day-2024-20th-of-april-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 —————————————————————————— First some really good news from the Schallwelle Elections. The list of potential winners is out. Check out and see if your favorite is among it. For me I am proud that I got the nomination for 2 categories and even more excited Groove Artist are among the nominees! The final rankings and winner lists will be published after the ceremony (24.2.2024). More info on that evening later in the news letter because you can be there!!!. Künstler National / Best Artist National Detlef Keller Johannes Schmoelling Martin Stürtzer Stefan Erbe Tangerine Dream Künstler International / Best Artist International Jean-Michel Jarre Kebu Madis Ron Boots State Azure Alben National / Best Album National Detlef Keller – Spaintronic Martin Stürtzer – Circular Oscillations Peter Mergener – New Horizons Stefan Erbe – Genesys23 Tangerine Dream – The Sessions VIII Alben International / Best Album International Gunnar Spardel – The Fade To Afterlife Madis – Live in Krakow Madis – Plains of Elysium Ron Boots – Alone on Stage Tigerforest – Today and Onward Neuling / Newcomer Distant Worlds Gpano M3NASH Star Maze Terminus Void Congrats to all who got voted in. The winners will be announced during the Schallwelle elections evening. And the great thing is you can be part of that and join in!! Later in the news letter all info will be there for you. And a new Dreamscape Radio will be online later today (18.00 CET) Thanks for your time Monique and Ron. ——————————————————————————————————————— New Groove/Dutch release ——————————————————————————————————————— TiRa the Art of Dance – Endless Ambient Part 2 https://www.groove.nl/shop/tira-the-art-of-dance-endless-ambient-part-2/?v=796834e7a283 Available as CD/FLAC/MP3 (CD comes with direct mp3 download) ![]() The wait is over: TIRA The Art of Dance is back – and surprised once again! With his second CD, the ambitious musician Ralf Gülpen now offers Continuation of his sound image that takes you into the spheres. If you enjoyed the journey with the first-class debut album, he will feel picked up by the tracks on this follow-up CD! The Journey continues… and this time the immersive soundscapes take you into new, cozy realms and exciting other worlds. The consistently spacey sounds presented on the first CD are now followed more structural musical landscapes that give the long journey a new one Add experience world. It’s a trip into unknown territory. This is where music becomes lively A world of sound that is a pleasure for the ears, body and soul flows through. The musician didn’t skimp on surprises this time either and left it Listeners participate in his creative flow. The sounds don’t flow through only the body but convey the experience of how the inside expands without getting mentally lost. The unmistakable hypnotic rhythm and the harmonious sound worlds have become a quality feature of TIRA. Ambient music proves itself with its joy of experimentation and complexity once again what it can do and that it can be improved. You will be guided in this adventure to be experienced and the trip is worth it definitely! As with the first album, this follow-up CD is also one continuous track created because here the musical journey is as careful and imaginative conceived sequel will be continued! Anyone who asked themselves the first CD? Wherever the journey may take him, receive an offer here. We wish the eavesdroppers of “Endless Ambient, Part 2” a success this time too interesting listening experience as we continue the journey! Wilfried Schüller ——————————————————————————————————————— Tectonia – Anatomy of The Positronic Brain https://www.groove.nl/shop/tectonia-anatomy-of-the-positronic-brain/?v=796834e7a283 Available as CD/flac/mp3 (CD comes with a free mp3 direct download!) ![]() This is pure synth music, made by a master of modular synths. Ricardo Verschut is the man behind Tectonia and under that name he makes brilliant EM. I love this music. Live, vibrant and full of atmosphere. And Tectonia informaed me that the Anatomy of The Positronic Brain tells the story about the awakening and ongoing existence of the artificial Intelligence that is seated in the positronic brain of the sentient robot. And he insured me that no computers or robots were harmed during these recordings. Ron Boots ——————————————————————————————————————— Schallwelle-Preisverleihung 2024 (German txt) Noch jemand ohne Ticket? Eintrittskarten für die Preisverleihung gibt es hier im Shop: https://schallwelle-preis.de/ticketliste/ Sie können all diese großartigen Nominierten bei einem schönen Abendessen treffen, bei dem die Preise verliehen werden. Das sollten Sie erleben und dieses Jahr geht der Sonderpreis an den großartigen Musiker Gandalf. Seine Auszeichnung für sein Lebenswerk erhält er von Winfried Trenkel. ![]() More info mail to schallwende@web.de ——————————————————————————————————————— New releases ——————————————————————————————————————— We have added great new releases to our catalog. Parallel Worlds – Fragmented https://www.groove.nl/shop/parallel-worlds-fragmented/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() Greek synthesist Bakis Sirros who records under the name of Parallel Worlds has become a familiar name to followers of the DiN label. His debut release was “Obsessive Surrealism” (DiN26) back in 2007 and since then he has released two further solo albums, “Shade” (DiN32) and “Plector” (DiN76), as well as several collaborative albums with different artists including DiN label boss Ian Boddy & Node guru Dave Bessell. This fourth sonic journey from Sirros on the DiN imprint sees him focusing in on his modular synthesiser systems, especially the Eurorack format with some able support from Buchla. These massive constructed patches live and breath like a crepuscular organism waking from its slumber. Indeed “Fragmented” is bookended by two wonderfully deep, textural tracks appropriately titled “Dawning” and “Sunset”. With the exception of the organ-like drone soundscape of “Time Flow” the remaining seven tracks encapsulate everything we have come to expect from this unique artist, namely dark, menacing bass lines overlaid with glitchy percussive patterns and beguiling, floating melody lines. It has certainly be noted before, but is worth reiterating, that there is a certain John Carpenter like soundtrack quality to the music of Sirros. Seemingly simplistic they shroud a wealth of detail and beauty that is revealed over repeated listening. Lovers of Electronica, Dark Techno, Downtempo & IDM will find much to admire in “Fragmented” and this new album once again showcases the unique talent of this highly individual musician. The following are also new in the catalog. ——————————————————————————————————————— Syndromeda – Liftoff to Infinity https://www.groove.nl/shop/syndromeda-liftoff-to-infinity/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() Syndromeda composed an album with a countdown to a “Liftoff to Infinity” The music is quite different to what you are used to hear from Syndromeda, more melodic, more Berlin School and a trip to ambient spheres in space. Something to sit back, relax and liftoff! And yes, despite this new sounds its still definitively anything, Syndromeda fans will recognize this music as another fine composition of Danny Budts on his familiar and some new synthesizers. ——————————————————————————————————————— Hollan Holmes – Sacred Places https://www.groove.nl/shop/hollan-holmes-sacred-places/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() Sacred Places, the third release by Hollan Holmes on Spotted Peccary Music, is comprised of eleven geographic vignettes, with each composition inspired from Holmes’s travels to different locales of deep personal significance. Here, Holmes blends ornate sequencer passages with tribal ambient flourishes that are intricate yet intimate, all to transcribe amazing landscapes in the listener’s mind. On each piece, Holmes invites the listener into his inner world, reconstructing these sacred places with meticulous sound design and powerful thematic sensitivities. Holmes crafted this latest work from a variety of hardware and software instruments, including the Oberheim OB-6 and Moog Prodigy hardware synthesizers as well as Propellerhead Reason and Spectrasonics Omnisphere software synthesizers. On “Temples of Stone,” a majestic melody ascends over staccato bass before erupting into a percussion-less trance. Shimmering sequencer passages cascade over an immutable bassline, all the grandeur befitting an ancient temple untouched by time. Bill Porter adds a swaggering electric guitar riff to the Berlin-school warble of “An Elevated Life,” confident and cosmic. Contrarily, “Bristlecone,” swirls like windblown pine needles through a forest clearing, meditative and yearning yet no less propulsive. “The Divine Connection” juxtaposes low end rumbles with bright arpeggiators, soaring to a shimmering crescendo. With Sacred Places Hollan Holmes once again demonstrates a mastery of electronic ambient worldbuilding few can match, presenting a staggeringly cinematic vision that defies simple definitions of analog or digital instrumentation. Rather, he inspires us to experience these remote special environments in such a personal manner as to truly evoke the magic of these very sacred places. ——————————————————————————————————————— Steve Roach – Desert Winds of Change https://www.groove.nl/shop/steve-roach-desert-winds-of-change/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() After a year of non stop concert engagements, and a 12 month artist in residence invitation to create his Ambient Lounge series on a monthly basis at downtown Tucson’s intimate Century Room performance space, The Desert Winds of Change emerged at the summit of this time. This piece is a sea change in the evolution Steve Roach’s music that dramatically dissolves the lines between live and studio recordings. The visceral energy present on this release is the culmination of the momentum that evolved over the 45 year of Roach’s devotion to his vision of emotion infused electronic based music. Through the course of 2023 this monthly live testing ground Steve would feature artists from the US and Canada. Along with the featured artist solo sets each month Steve would present works in development and other new and current evolving pieces created only for or born that night. “As the series evolved over the year it felt more like a home away from home in the live setting. For this concert I was relaxed and excited about performing and recording this new long form sequencer based piece that grew out of a new portable system I just built up for this direction in my music. The live in a studio like space is about riding the emotional waves of the soundcurrent with a great audience on board in a way only this setting can provide and inspire. “This was one those nights were I could the feel flow motion taking over in full effect. The other big piece here is Klaus Schulze. I was feeling his spirit all week before this night. I was tuning into all that his music brought to me in the early phase of self discovery and my emergence into creating electronic-synth based music. Those who know his early music will no doubt feel the inspiration. It’s impossible to where know where I would be having not heard Timewind in the mid 70s. For this reason this piece is dedicated to the memory and the legacy of Klaus Schulze” The Desert Winds of Change rides the thermal waves of hyper focused – in the moment spontaneous creation infused unbounded emotion, symmetry and grace. ——————————————————————————————————————— OSE Hervé Picart + Mark Jenkins – Foucault’s Pendulum https://www.groove.nl/shop/ose-herve-picart-mark-jenkins-foucaults-pendulum/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() From the moment a giant pendulum seems to sweep back and fore through your head, to the mysterious reverberant cityscapes, pounding sequencers and drum machines, melodic guitars and swirling synthesizers, “Foucault’s Pendulum” will appeal to anyone who enjoys the finest French as well as the Anglo-German style of electronic music. Ose was launched in 1978 by Hervé Picart with the acclaimed album “Adonia” in collaboration with Richard Pinhas of Heldon. Recently Hervé revived the Ose name with a series of new albums about imaginary planets or classic books, and also appeared in the collaborative CD series “Modular Sessions”. Series editor Mark Jenkins then invited him to a full scale collaboration based on a shared favorite novel, the worldwide award winner by Umberto Eco.Eco himself says “don’t compare my book to “The DaVinci Code”. Dan Brown would be merely a character in my novel – it’s about just what can happen when people start believing in all this occult stuff”. So the album maps out the characters of the three main protagonists in a fantastical international conspiracy, their enemies the stern “Colonel Ardenti” and the mysterious “Synarchic Knights”, and the thrilling chases and deceptions between them.Almost an hour of music swirls from classic Mellotron flutes and choirs or the PolyMoog’s precise analog strings, to clattering analog drum machines, MiniMoog leads, sparkling PPG Wave 2 digital sweeps, the EMS Synthi and multiple layered Moog Modular sequences. You’ll love it all if you like Jean-Michel Jarre, Heldon, Zanov and Space Art, or Tangerine Dream movie soundtracks, Johannes Schmoelling, Bowie & Eno, Jan Hammer and Redshift. ——————————————————————————————————————— Jörg Erren – Snapshots https://www.groove.nl/shop/jorg-erren-snapshots/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() Jörg Erren, known from “von Hallgath” and “Erren, Fleißig, Schöttler und Steffen” releases (as Ouddorp Takes) has collected a number of fine single tracks he presents in this SynGate release. Electronic music with the drive of relaxed pop melodies perfectly for a chilled time in a comfortable seat in the living room or on a party to give the godd move some impetus. |
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