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E-News 1366 – April 23rd 2024 |
Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters. Another E-Day has passed. And what a day it was, weeks before it was sold out and with over 250 people in the CKE packed. The start Friday was less then normal as Matzumi’s car died on the German Autobahn near Aachen and the roadrescue left them at a Ford garage. What to do!! Well unload part of my van and pick Matzumi and her husband up. Glad they where safe and when I had delivered them to the Airbnb (in my street 🙂 I could go to bed at 2.00 🙂 After a short night the day started great, no hiccups to get to the hall and the set up could begin. No stress and at 13.15 Stefan Whitlan (my stage boss) and me looked at each other with a strange feeling. All was set and we could begin. An hour before the first concert. Wow we had some free time!! Short impression of the day!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJlmI-54VwQ 14.10 Start of the Perge set. Matthew had just fallen from a stair in the foyer and was in pain but I don’t think anybody noticed until he came from behind his set after the concert. And what a concert it was. Superb Berlin School I loved it!! Masterful EM!! Perge / Matthew Stringer! ![]() ———————————————————————- And then me, Harold and Gert set. We had a lot of fun and man the reactions where great from the audience. One comment was spot on! “man that Harold vd Heijden really found 2 good keyboard players for his act” Harold was on fire. Such fun to play with him and Gert!! Can’t wait until the Oirschot gig. Gert Emmens, Ron Boots and Harold vd Heijden ![]() ———————————————————————- So pause and getting act 1 and 2 of the stage and sound check for the next 2 acts. Again no hiccups, everything went without any issues. Act 3 / Matzumi: Music starts, a Flame on the screen and after a minute a wonderfully dressed Elven woman enters the stage. Slowly the vocals take over from the music (Think Gladiator style by Zimmer). It was a mystical, dreamlike musical experience. Matzumi mesmerized the hall. A unique concert so different in style and music. Just wonderful. Short film / https://www.facebook.com/kathrin.manz/videos/1163867431174442 Matzumi ![]() ———————————————————————- Act 4 / Sequentia Legenda & Tommy Betzler. And here we go back to the 80’s at a Schulze concert. Laurent played full in Klaus his style. I have visited a few Schulze concerts and this brought me back to that time. Those who know the dynamic full force drumming by Tommy Betzler knows that at times he will run of the tracks but the energy and gongs blasting away makes all good for that. They had a few glitches during the concert but for me, I loved it and hope the recordings I made are good! Sequentia Legenda & Tommy Betzler ![]() ———————————————————————- Again no idea how the Kellerkind Berlin performances went. Also miss these due to hectic and other side issues But from the reactions of the visitors and photo’s it looked great. Kellerkind Berlin ![]() ———————————————————————- I want to thank all people that helped, the guys from the CKE, my helpers (Johan, Alex, Jacqueline, Bert, Marion, Sanne and Dylan). And especially my love Monique and my friend Stefan Whitlan. The musicians who gave great performances and made the day as easy to run as it can! And last but not least you the visitors! What a day!! So Sunday to Amsterdam to get a rental car for Matzumi and then we can look back on a great day. Ron ===================================================================== S.A.W. Live in Oirschot S.A.W. (Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz) concert in Oirschot 21st of September 2024. / De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) ![]() • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz (D) • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vs Heijden) (NL) Tickets for the S.A.W. concert in Oirschot are now online. https://www.groove.nl/shop/s-a-w-live-in-oirschot-2024-21st-of-september-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 Artists: • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vs Heijden) (NL) Start 19.30 (Bar Doors open at 18.00) De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) – The Netherlands De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot DO I GET A “REAL” TICKET? We don’t send “real” tickets. After the payment is received your name is added to a list. This list is ready at the box-office on the day. Before that you will receive a confirmation by Email. Please take that confirmation with you on the day. ===================================================================== Diode festival Nothingham UK So there is just 4 weeks to go before the first DIODE electronic music festival in Nottingham (Sat 18th May). A big thank you to everyone who has bought a ticket so far. We are at the halfway mark of tickets sold but it would be fantastic to see even more people there. If you’re thinking of attending, but haven’t got your ticket yet, it would be really great if you could get it as soon as you can. This would really help the organizing team. Peter Challoner, David Wright & Ron Boots welcome you to the DIODE Electronic Music Festival. Great concerts by: Thorsten Quaeschning, Rob Papen and Ron Boots David Wright and friends Peter Challoner. Thanks and see you there. Ticket to attend the all day event in person is £35 – ONLY VIA THE VENUE BOX OFFICE at www.boningtontheatre.co.uk/whats-on/ or telephone: 0115 901 3640. And there is also a VTv ticket that can not attend!! The DIODE Electronic Music Festival / VIRTUAL TICKET https://www.groove.nl/shop/the-diode-electronic-music-festival-virtual-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE VIRTUAL TICKETS ONLY THEY WILL NOT GIVE YOU ACCESS TO THE VENUE. If you’re going to the event in Nottingham, you MUST purchase tickets for the event from the Bonington Theatre. ![]() =============================================================== NEW Entries in the catalog. Some great new releases came out on this E-Day. So here we go. Matzumi – MonumentuM – De Tenebris in Lucem https://www.groove.nl/shop/monumentum-de-tenebris-in-lucem/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() It’s been 10 years since Matzumi’s last album release „Symphony of Silence and Humility“. This was followed by a musical break of several years. But now Matzumi is back – with her comeback album „MonumentuM – De Tenebris in Lucem“. MonumentuM is a one-hour concept album that focuses on humanity itself. It deals metaphorically with the good and evil in each of us – represented as light and darkness. The listener becomes a silent observer of a gloomy scene created by dark forces. Good versus evil – the eternal round dance between the two forces. Resignation gives way to hope. Good overpowers evil. MonumentuM is an appeal to humanity – impressively presented in contrasting and emotionally overwhelming soundscapes. MonumentuM – More than just an album! A total work of art consisting of sound, image and writing. ——————————————————————————————————————- Kellerkind Berlin – Das Graublaue Album (CD and Vinyl) https://www.groove.nl/shop/kellerkind-berlin-das-graublaue-album/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() This album was created during a depressing period of time for me. Deaths, serious illnesses and after a short upward trend, immediately downwards again. But that’s just how it is and music helps me through it… An album based on the “Berlin School” but not so pure. I hope you enjoy it! ——————————————————————————————- And we had another fill of special CD’s added from the 2ndhand deal I did some time ago. This time a lot of CD’s by Bernd Kistenmacher and Robert Schroeder (most are out of print). So have a look in the shop on the first page they are all featured! https://www.groove.nl/shop/?v=796834e7a283 So that is it. Friday a regular E-News again and Saturday a new Dreamscape radio. Thanks for your time. Ron Boots Copyright © 2024 Groove Unlimited, All rights reserved. |