![]() Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters. Summer Solstice today and yes we also noticed that the holiday season is already on the way. Still we reached the 3000+ orders this week since we started with the new site in January 2023!! That was a great milestone and thank you for the confidence in Groove! From this weekend on we will have re-installed the Christmas deal we had until August first. We will include a free Holiday gift (A CD!!) in your package free of charge with every order of 2 CD’s or more!!! And with out making the postage more expensive. Which CD will be a surprise but they will be from the Groove catalog of the 90’s and early 2000! We will do this with the orders of today (Friday) already!! E-live 2024 19th of October 2024 And the Artists list for E-Live 2024 is now complete!! And ticket sales have started!! And what a program we have for you. Main stage Artists: David Wright and Friends Axxes/Maxxes Frank van Bogaert Pete Challoner AE van Elst Projects Foyer concerts by / Tectonia The tickets are now online and if you can pre-order hem as we can then see if all goes as planned. https://www.groove.nl/shop/e-live-2024-19th-of-october-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 The price is €32.00 for the whole day of top notch Electronic Music!! So join us and support us! We need days like this for our scene. ————————————————————————————— And in Germany we have the annual Grillfest!! (Barbeque feast!!) Here the German TXT. Grillfest am 6. Juli 2024, ab 16 Uhr (vorher schallwende e.V.-Jahreshauptversammlung um 15.30 Uhr) Musik von Suriya (Björn Vogelsang) kannst Du hören! Zum Zweiten Saiowa (Christian Meier), von dem Du vielleicht schon einmal seine „Elektronische Musik und Planespotting“ auf unserem YouTube-Kanal https://www.youtube.com/@Schallwelle-schallwende gehört hast. Und last but not least IcingWolf (https://icingwolf.bandcamp.com/). Monika Freerk hat ja schon bei der Schallwelle-Preisverleihung auf der Bühne gestanden und auch gespielt. Ich hoffe, da ist auch etwas für Dich dabei. Für Speis‘ und Trank wird wie immer auch gesorgt; viel Platz gibt es auch auf Glanemanns Wiese und in der Scheune (Oestricher Landwehr 12; 59227 Ahlen). – Vielen Dank auch an Bernd und Steffi, dass ihr wieder die Gastgeber seid! Einen kleinen Eindruck von den Örtlichkeiten bietet das kleine Grillfestvideo auf unserem YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phvMu4UNsaA Ein Hinweis zum Umweltschutz: Wenn es geht, bringe doch bitte eigenes Geschirr, Besteck und Becher/Tasse mit; das reduziert den Verbrauch von Wegwerfartikeln. Im letzten Newsletter hatte ich den Link vergessen: Das Anmelden fürs Grillfest geht über unseren Webshop; es kostet wie vor zwei Jahren 5€ (ähnlich, wie der Gruga-Eintritt). Das dient auch der Kalkulation für den Einkauf von Bratwürstchen, Kartoffelsalat und Getränken. Dazu auch noch einmal meine Bitte, eventuell geplante Salatgeschenke vorher anzukündigen (Mail an schallwende@web.de) – danke! Dreamscape will be online tomorrow morning (Saturday) Thanks for your time! Ron & Monique |
New Releases Pyramid Peak – Kontinuum https://www.groove.nl/shop/pyramid-peak-kontinuum/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() New Pyramid Peak CD will be released on August 1st, 2024! Shipping starts on th first of August 1.- Blizzard part 1&2 2.- Dancing galaxies 3.- Echoes 4.- Harmonic Oscillation 5.- Aquamarine 6.- Kontinuum Dear friends and fans of Pyramid Peak, in the middle of the “summer slump” the new Pyramid Peak album, entitled “KONTINUUM”, will be released on August 1st, 2024! Pyramid Peak’s now 12th studio album has a special feature, as the music was produced for the first time by Axel Stupplich only, as Andreas Morsch is still in his musical break that began in mid-2023. Nevertheless, everything that Pyramid Peak has been known for, for over 20 years, can be found on this CD: sophisticated sequences, hypnotic beats, melodies with catchy tunes and beautiful harmonies. A total of 6 new pieces with a total playing time of more than 68 minutes take the listener on a journey into the Pyramid Peak sound universe. The CD will be shipped on August 1st, 2024 A small sample can be found here (live version of Aquamarine, one of the tracks on the new CD KONTINUUM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37O3DJzUpms Have fun with the new CD and see you at the E-Live Festival at the latest! —————————————————————————————– Spyra + Roksana (Moon and Melody) – Voices of Ancestors https://www.groove.nl/shop/spyra-roksana-moon-and-melody-voices-of-ancestors/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() 1.Voices of ancestors/Stimmer der Vorfahren 31:15 2.Kolysanka dla Marii/Wiegenlied für Maria (Oekraïens kinderlied) 6:40 Voices of ancestors is a music album by the duo Moon & Melody. That duo consists of Wolfram Spyra (electronic music) and Roksana Vikaluk from classical music. Recordings took place in the St. Mary’s Church in Frankfurt an der Oder. Introduction The duo had experienced the acoustics of the church during an earlier visit and were impressed. This resulted in the construction of a small steel installation, which serves as Spyra’s musical instrument in the church. These so-called Bow chimes, developed by Rob Butman, provide the “accompaniment” to Vikaluk’s vocal contributions. The installation was equipped with a microphone for the recordings, but the main recording took place using a microphone installation placed in an artificial head in the center of this large church. This microphone installation also captured all kinds of natural sounds, such as chirping birds and chimes. The album is dedicated to Bob Rutman, the instrument builder died during the production process. |
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