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Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters. New Music?? I have had so many release requests this last half year from musicians looking for a label that it is just impossible to even release 25% of all of those!! Many are just not financially possible. Groove would be broke with in a year!! Releases need to be sold to make at least its money back. And at times you need a release that does good or even very good to make it possible to finance other releases!! Groove is a business and needs money to release music. Hope many musicians realize this but there are always other ways to help you get music into the world just mail me. But that said, we do have some nice new releases ready for the coming months’. Very excited about the release of Paul Ellis & Per Thomhav who under the name “Orpheus“. A masterpieces that many of the Guitar/Sequencer EM lovers will enjoy! ![]() This should be ready for the Schmoelling concerts!! And also in the works is a new F.D.Project. ================================== We now have these Can Atilla releases back in stock and now at a special price!! Now only € 13.90 !! Can Atilla – Can-I YunusCan Atilla – Masiva ======================= And a great new DIN release is ready to go out !! (End of the 2nd week of August) This might sell out fast so do not wait to long to get it!! And still this week we have the free V/A – Index06 with every DIN order. (as long as stocks last!!) Ian Boddy & Dave Bessell – Polarity – DIN 87 https://www.groove.nl/shop/ian-boddy-dave-bessell-polarity/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() 01 Polarity Part 1 26:16 02 Polarity Part 2 25:23 03 Confluence 9:07Total Time : 60:51 With the DiN label celebrating its 25th anniversary it’s perhaps important to remember that one of the founding principles of the imprint was to encourage musical collaborations between different artists. Indeed label boss Ian Boddy has previously collaborated with eight separate musicians, including such luminaries as Robert Rich, Erik Wøllo, Chris Carter, Markus Reuter and Mark Shreeve (as ARC). Thus when the UK based Awakenings electronic music concert series invited Boddy to perform a gig alongside Dave Bessell an opportunity arose for a new, untried musical collaboration.Bessell of course is no stranger to followers of DiN records with his solo work, albums alongside Parallel Worlds and his part in synth supergroup Node. Both artists played solo sets before joining forces for a stunning 60 minute joint performance. This album features the latter set which is split into two longer sections followed by their ambient encore.Opening proceedings with retro abstract synth meanderings it’s not long before Boddy’s signature Ondes voice shines through the gloom and a calm, gentle section sees Bessell join in with the beautiful tones of his Aum guitar. After a brief ambient interlude Boddy begins to build a wall of sequencers brick by brick with Bessell soloing on Minimoog before the music all comes crashing back down to the eerie tones that started this set.The second piece begins with unusual, piquant harmonic progressions from Bessell overlaid with pizzicato percussion. There follows a lengthy, extended sequencer session which is again meticulously constructed by Boddy and his arsenal of modular synths. Whilst Bessell provides an arc of ever rising chordal pads Boddy continuously twists and turns the ostinato patterns as this section rises to a monumental sonic climax.Following such hectic, rhythmic textures the duo opt for a gentle, blissful encore with each artist improvising against each other with warm, analogue chords and pads.Polarity again shines a light on the wonderful opportunities collaborations can offer, especially in a live performance where each artist has to not only play but also listen to, and respond to the other performer. Sorry for not getting a new dreamscape online this week. Sunday there will be a new one!! So that was it have a great weekend and just offers and the concert announcements below!! Thanks for your time! Ron & Monique Summer offer!! The summer offers are a great succes, so we are going to prolong it for the month of August!! ==================================================== Summer Gift special Summer sale present the holiday season is already on the way. Until August we will include a free Holiday gift (A CD!!) in your package free of charge with every order of 2 CD’s or more!!! And with out making the postage more expensive. So A freebee with every order of 2 CD’s. Which CD will be a surprise but they will be from the Groove catalog of the 90’s and early 2000! So go and stroll through our catalog, more then 4000!! Titles are here for you to choose from and if you want the music soon take the instock items 🙂 https://www.groove.nl/shop/?v=796834e7a283 And with the DIN offer you have enough to choose for some great new music in your catalog!! Many of the newer DIN titles on sale!! All the following tiles are now available for the special price from € 9.90 € 11.90!! And to top it off we will include a free V/A – Index06 (Don’t add it we will do it for you!) https://www.groove.nl/shop/v-a-index06/?v=796834e7a283 Nigel Mullaney – 31 Days Nigel Mullaney – Turning Node – Node Live DVoxx – Télégraphe Bessell, Dave – Reality Engine Parallel Worlds and Dave Bessell – Phosphenes Parallel Worlds – World Adapter Ian Boddy & Erik Wollo – Meridian Node – Singularity Lyonel Bauchet – Diver So complete your DIN collection with these great releases!! And chek the offer page for more special deals!! https://www.groove.nl/category/offers/?v=796834e7a283 ============================================== Festivals and Concerts Schmoelling’s S.A.W. Live in Oirschot S.A.W. (Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz) Oirschot/NL 21st of September 2024. / The Enck (now De Stoelendans) • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz (D) • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vd Heijden) (NL) Don’t miss these epic concerts it is going to be great and in our beloved The Enck in Oirschot. Here a nice promo video from the guys from S.A.W. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecuK9ABBsIM Tickets for the S.A.W. concert in Oirschot are now online. https://www.groove.nl/shop/s-a-w-live-in-oirschot-2024-21st-of-september-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 Artists: • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vs Heijden) (NL) Start 19.30 (Bar Doors open at 18.00) De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) – The Netherlands De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot ============================================= E-live 2024 19th of October 2024 And what a program we have for you. Main stage Artists: David Wright and Friends Axxes/Maxxes Frank van Bogaert Pete Challoner AE van Elst Projects Foyer concerts by / Tectonia The tickets are now online and if you can pre-order hem as we can then see if all goes as planned. https://www.groove.nl/shop/e-live-2024-19th-of-october-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 The price is €32.00 for the whole day of top notch Electronic Music!! So join us and support us! We need days like this for our scene. Start 12.30 (Bar Doors open at 12.00) De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) – The Netherlands De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot ============================================ 16th of November!! Höhlenkonzert with Axess & Ron Boots live! https://www.dechenhoehle.de/termine/axess-ron-boots-live Electronic music in the Dechenhöhle – Axess & Ron Boots live! It has become a cherished tradition that Axess/Pyramid Peak bring a second musical act to the stage for the annual concert in the pulpit grotto. This year is no different and with RON BOOTS a real veteran of electronic music will make the stalactites vibrate this time! The audience can therefore look forward to two quite different concerts, where friends of all styles of electronic music will get their money’s worth. Of course, both concerts will again be supported by an impressive light and laser show (www.cavelaser-project.de), which will enchant the cave into a truly magical, mystical place. Saturday, 16.11.2024, doors open at 7:00 p.m., concerts end around 11:00 p.m. Admission 29,- € plus 2,- € postage for sending the tickets Ticket orders only by email to dechenhoehle@t-online.de |
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