![]() Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters. Last week I already announced a lot of new releases. And yes they are on their way or already in and in the catalog!! WEGA – Echoes from a gentle past Robert Schroeder – Observer Brendan Pollard – Filaments Perge – Exolon live’24 Colin Rayment – Metamorphic Phases Should/could arrive this coming week and we already have these in now!! Brian Geigner – Metamorphosis Lab TiRa the Art of Dance – Endless Ambient Part 3 Ian Boddy & Dave Bessell – Polarity (only 11 left!!) Robert Rich + Luca Formentini – Cloud Ornament So now it is the time to order these and get them and enjoy the music!! https://www.groove.nl/shop/?v=796834e7a283 =============================================== Next week we have the Dutch Electronic Masters Music Festival, August 31, 2024 in Best!! And if you pre order to be picked you we will give you also the 15% discount on all instock items!! Five well-known Dutch electronic musicians and bands provide an unforgettable day and evening in Best. Location: Social-Cultural Center ‘t Tejaterke Max de Bossustraat 1 5684 CG Best 1:00 PM: Access to the foyer 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: La Lune Noire (large stage concert hall) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Tectonia (large stage concert hall) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: René van der Wouden (large stage concert hall) 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM: Skoulaman (large stage concert hall) More info in the Festival section! Sunday morning we will have a new Dreamscape radio!! Thanks for your time Ron and Monique. ============================= New Releases !! ============================= WEGA – Echoes from a gentle past Available as CD(with instant mp3 download/Flac/MP3) https://www.groove.nl/shop/wega-echoes-from-a-gentle-past/?v=796834e7a283 Bandcamp https://wegaongroove.bandcamp.com/album/echoes-from-a-gentle-past ![]() 1- Leading Light 5:34 2- Orbeting 4:31 3- Daydreaming 6:28 4- The Circle (I) Red Rising 6:50 5- The Circle (II) Nothing is real 4:06 6- The Circle (III) Coldstars 3:24 7- The Circle (IV) The return 6:31 8- Eyes of the void 7:55 9- White Tape 3:36 10- Turning Point 6:46 About WEGA, composer/producer Alexander Hardt creates electronic music that drifts between his passion for Berlin School electronica, today’s ambient music, lo-fi, and synth-pop. I heard Alexander play at last years Schallwelle X-Mas breakfast and was in awe of the great music. And after a short talk I really loved the music and the man behind WEGA. This is great music that deserves a BIG podium! I love it. (Ron Boots) This is a must have album for ll who love great Berlin School with a touch of Guitar and a brilliant production!! GET IT!! ============================= Robert Schroeder – Observer https://www.groove.nl/shop/robert-schroeder-observer/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() 1. Distructing Live 6:21 2. Sleepless Nights 6:44 3. Sometimes Ridiculous 6:46 4. Following On Step 7:59 5. Unknown Future 7:17 6. Surrounded By Shadows 5:36 7. Xtreme Pressure 6:32 8. Observer 7:46 9. Constant Threat 6:52 10. Following On Step (short) 4:21 Space effects glide over into vocoder-like voices that plunge into echo chambers, the drums kick in and the music picks up speed. To drift away! Mystical passages lead into dreamy sequencer runs and are accentuated with drums and given even more depth with the choral pads. The entire album is a great sound experience for a marvelous dream journey to drift away into other spheres. Also recommended for Klaus Schulze fans. |
============================= Perge – Exolon live’24 https://www.groove.nl/shop/perge-exolon-live24/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() 1.- Paradigm 05:45 2.- Dead Dropped 13:18 3.- Dolphin Sequence 04:37 4.- Warsaw In The Rain 08:03 5.- PoLOART (Conclusion Part) 06:59 6.- Soliloquy 01:03 7.- Hyperbole 05:36 8.- Machines Yearning 03:12 9.- Air 17:24 Compiled from the live performances by Perge in 2024. Features new songs as well as reworked pieces from our back catalogue. Conceived, performed, engineered and produced by Matthew Stringer ============================= Brendan Pollard – Filaments https://www.groove.nl/shop/brendan-pollard-filaments/?v=796834e7a283 ![]() 1- Ventricle – 11.54 2- insidious – 3.55 9- intervision – 4.18 4- pannerramma – 18.50 5- plenostream – 8.27 6- facets and degrees – 7.50 7- silt – 6.33 New CD “Filaments” will arrive early September. Difficult to describe this one, it’s dark and menacing in places but still some classic sequencing as well with the wonderful addition of Mickey Rat on guitar. ============================= New now instock!! ============================= Brian Geigner – Metamorphosis Lab We go back into the years of the 70’s with Brian Geigner’s – Metamorphosis Lab. Warm analog sounds, slow floating Sequences and swirls of sound effects brings a feeling of nostalgia. His music is to be enjoyed in the quit hours of the day!! This co-operation between Brian Geigner and Groove shows our dedications to Electronic music! =========================== TiRa the Art of Dance – Endless Ambient Part 3 Once again Ralf Gülpen has managed to capture the acoustic cosmos of his to enrich and expand the harmonious world of sound. Ambient music offers a new musically animated location and expands the inner world of the fascinates the listening listener and travel participant and leads him back in new realms. This time too, the tradition is continued with continuous tracks continued from the two previous albums. This album offers another in self-contained, complementary chapter. =========================== Ian Boddy & Dave Bessell – Polarity With the DiN label celebrating its 25th anniversary it’s perhaps important to remember that one of the founding principles of the imprint was to encourage musical collaborations between different artists. Indeed label boss Ian Boddy has previously collaborated with eight separate musicians, including such luminaries as Robert Rich, Erik Wøllo, Chris Carter, Markus Reuter and Mark Shreeve (as ARC). Thus when the UK based Awakenings electronic music concert series invited Boddy to perform a gig alongside Dave Bessell an opportunity arose for a new, untried musical collaboration. Bessell of course is no stranger to followers of DiN records with his solo work, albums alongside Parallel Worlds and his part in synth supergroup Node. Both artists played solo sets before joining forces for a stunning 60 minute joint performance. This album features the latter set which is split into two longer sections followed by their ambient encore. Opening proceedings with retro abstract synth meanderings it’s not long before Boddy’s signature Ondes voice shines through the gloom and a calm, gentle section sees Bessell join in with the beautiful tones of his Aum guitar. After a brief ambient interlude Boddy begins to build a wall of sequencers brick by brick with Bessell soloing on Minimoog before the music all comes crashing back down to the eerie tones that started this set. The second piece begins with unusual, piquant harmonic progressions from Bessell overlaid with pizzicato percussion. There follows a lengthy, extended sequencer session which is again meticulously constructed by Boddy and his arsenal of modular synths. Whilst Bessell provides an arc of ever rising chordal pads Boddy continuously twists and turns the ostinato patterns as this section rises to a monumental sonic climax. Following such hectic, rhythmic textures the duo opt for a gentle, blissful encore with each artist improvising against each other with warm, analogue chords and pads. Polarity again shines a light on the wonderful opportunities collaborations can offer, especially in a live performance where each artist has to not only play but also listen to, and respond to the other performer. =========================== Robert Rich + Luca Formentini – Cloud Ornament We began by clearing an open space to observe our mutual voice, an hour or so of empty form. We then carpeted that space with a continuum of transitioning clouds, where patterns of light and shadow might suggest possibilities of ornament, the placement of furniture in a room. Listening intensely to each other’s inquisitive gestures, shapes evolved from the liquid flow. Architectures emerged from under an ocean. As each shape suggested itself into existence, it requested further adornment. A strange forest of living sounds wove its branches around that scaffolding of hermetic silence. =========================== BySenses – 5 Jours de “5 Days of Freedom” is a musical fresco freely inspired by the French film “Portrait of the Young Girl on Fire” (Céline Sciamma, 2019). The story takes place at the end of the 18th century. Two young women attracted to each other spend 5 days together during which they discover and explore their romantic preferences. (Text: Philippe Wauman) Music entirely composed by BySenses in his ‘Now There Studio’.. =========================== BySenses – Multiple Directions Drums on Vous êtes là? by Frakke Zero One (Frank De Coster) Drums on With love … Zu Klaus by Tommy BETZLER Guitar on MonoCHROOM Live@Hannekesnest by Peter MOORKENS ONSTURICHEIT credits All Music composed, played and Produced by BySenses Recorded at the Now There Studio ============================= Festivals ============================= Schmoelling’s S.A.W. Live in Oirschot S.A.W. (Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz) Oirschot/NL 21st of September 2024. / The Enck (now De Stoelendans) • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz (D) • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vd Heijden) (NL) Don’t miss these epic concerts it is going to be great and in our beloved The Enck in Oirschot. Here a nice promo video from the guys from S.A.W. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecuK9ABBsIM Tickets for the S.A.W. concert in Oirschot are now online. https://www.groove.nl/shop/s-a-w-live-in-oirschot-2024-21st-of-september-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 Artists: • SAW / Schmoelling/Waters/Ader/Merz • Gert Emmens & Ron Boots (featuring Harold vs Heijden) (NL) Start 19.30 (Bar Doors open at 18.00) De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) – The Netherlands De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot =============================================== E-live 2024 19th of October 2024 And what a program we have for you. Main stage Artists: David Wright and Friends Axxes/Maxxes Frank van Bogaert Pete Challoner AE van Elst Projects Foyer concerts by / Tectonia The tickets are online and if you can pre-order hem as we can then see if all goes as planned. As at this moment sales are really low against last editions. https://www.groove.nl/shop/e-live-2024-19th-of-october-2024-ticket/?v=796834e7a283 The price is €32.00 for the whole day of top notch Electronic Music!! So join us and support us! We need days like this for our scene. Start 12.30 (Bar Doors open at 12.00) De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) – The Netherlands De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot |
Copyright © 2024 Groove Unlimited, All rights reserved. |