![]() Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters. We have 2 new releases ready for you that will come in next week!! GR-376 – John Christian – Lighter GR-377 – Paul Ellis – Celestial Navigation. And for this year we have 2 more releases planned for December, a new Patrick Kosmos and a new Rene de Bakker!! If all works out they will be available just before Christmas. And there is a double 2CD release planned by Tira the Art of Dance. More news on that in the coming weeks. =========================================== So next Saturday we will be in Iserlohn with Frank Dorittke and Harold vd Heijden!! https://www.dechenhoehle.de/termine/axess-ron-boots-live only a few tickets left!! Samstag, 16.11.2024, Einlass 19:00 Uhr, Ende der Konzerte gegen 23:00 Uhr Eintritt 29,- € zzgl. 2,- € Porto für den Versand der Karten Kartenbestellung nur per Email an dechenhoehle@t-online.de =========================================== Phaedra Concert #2 in Oirschot/NL! ”50 Years Of Phaedra” by TANGERINE DREAM Thorsten Quaeschning / Hoshiko Yamane / Paul Frick. Support Act by : Stevo Whitlan / Harold vd Heijden / Frank Dorittke and Ron. Only 88 tickets left!! Tickets here!! (not available at the Stoelendans!!) https://www.groove.nl/…/50-years-of-phaedra-by…/… ![]() The address:. De Stoelendans (formerly The Enck) De Loop 67, 5688 EW Oirschot The Netherlands And for all who asked about the hall, De Stoelendans is a seated Theatre with really comfort seats!! And there are NO seat numbers!! And now to the new releases!! Tomorrow (Saturday 9th) there will be a new Dreamscape radio! https://dreamscape.groove.nl/ Thanks for your time Ron & Monique, =========================================== New Groove Releases =========================================== GR-376 – John Christian – Lighter Now available as CD (with mp3 instant download / Flac and MP3) https://www.groove.nl/shop/john-christian-lighter/?v=1a13105b7e4e And from next Friday also on Bandcamp! ![]() Release date 16th of November 2024 01 aansteker – 52:29 02 lichter – 25:25 Total CD – 1:17:57 Recorded during E-Live 2023 CKE Eindhoven Interesting times! While Airsculpture is very much a going concern it’s proving harder to get together as we’ve scattered to different areas on the country, about as far as anyone could get without turning Scottish. As a result I’ve been focusing more on making solo music (as well as few other projects, some not visible yet). So I was delighted to be invited to take over the Foyer at the 2023 E-Live in Eindhoven. It would give me space to play a few sets showcasing the different styles I’ve been exploring. This album captures two pieces. The longer explores the space of slowly evolving sequences, with plenty of hands on keys and sequencers as it drifts between beats and atmospheres. The second is sequencer heavy and reflects how I’ve been performing in smaller local gigs for a while now. It’s an honest recording, no overdubs, and only slightly edited for time and where enthusiasm overcame level control. There was another pure ambient piece, missing in action here – maybe on day! The reaction on the day was lovely. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it in this form. JC =========================================== GR-377 – Paul Ellis – Celestial Navigation =========================================== Now available as CD (with mp3 instand download / Flac and MP3 https://www.groove.nl/shop/paul-ellis-celestial-navigation/?v=1a13105b7e4e And next Friday on Bandcamp. ![]() Release date 16th of November 2024 01 Pulse And Shimmer – 7:22 02 Celestial Navigation – 10:54 03 Requiem For A Blue Marble – 9:50 04 Rippling Solar Waves – 7:37 05 Illuminated From Within – 8:24 06 Watching The Sky – 10:21 07 Intimate Infinite – 11:26 08 The Dark Divide – 7:34 Total CD – 1:13:32 From the opening track. Celestial Navigation features lush, ambient textures and intricate melodies that weave together to create a sense of wonder and awe. Each track builds upon the last, taking the listener through inner and outer space. It’s an album that rewards repeat listening, revealing new layers of depth and complexity with each play. This is an album that will stay with you long after the final note has faded away. Ellis’s careful sound design and minimalist compositional approach creates a pure and immersive experience. It is carefully crafted with layers of ethereal synths, pulsating rhythms, and mesmerizing melodies that evoke glimpses of the vastness of space and the mysteries that lie beyond. It is the perfect soundtrack for stargazing, meditation, or simply getting lost in your own imagination . A must-listen for all fans of Ambient, Berlin School, Spacemusic, or for anyone looking to escape to another world. Paul Ellis. =========================================== New in Catalog =========================================== V/A – Schallplatte 27 – Mythologie https://www.groove.nl/shop/v-a-schallplatte-27-mythologie/?v=1a13105b7e4e ![]() 1 – Kathoga – HYRN (Björn Walde, D – 5:20 2 – The Trojan Horse – Spectral Tune (Erik Matheisen , D) – 5:24 3 – 2012 – LevelPi (Uwe Cremer, D) – 5:59 4 – Dreamtime – Jim Ottaway (AUS) – 6:14 5 – Myth80s – Suriya (Jürgen Bruhn & Björn Vogelsang, D) – 4:24 6 – Glöckchen – J.B. (Jürgen Bruhn, D) – 3:53 7 – Song of the Sirens – Bernd Braun (D) – 7:02 8 – Orpheus – Changing Images (Martin Kornberger & Volker Kuhn, D) – 5:16 9 – Hiob – mypan (Michael Stehl, D) – 6:24 10 – Prometheus – Synth.NL (NL) – 5:34 11 – Styx – Fluss ohne Wiederkehr – WiesenBerg (D) – 3:50 12 – The Nautical Search For Poseidon – Colin Rayment – (GB) – 6:54 13 – Undines singing and what she is doing today – Rike Casper (D) – 4:47 14 – Encounters – Gunnar Spardel (USA) – 7:40 The theme of this year’s “schallplatte” is “mythology”. “Mythology (from ancient Greek mythos “narrative, speech” and -logy; mythología originally: “legendary story”), or in German also the world of legends, is the totality of the myths of a cultural area or a people, a region or a social group as well as their systematic presentation in literary, scientific or religious form.” I sent this Wikipedia quote to over 200 musicians with the request that they submit a track. 22 complied and the 13-member jury did a great job selecting them again: thanks to Alfred Arnold, Jens Uwe Carstens, Harald Denker, Moni and Uwe Lennartz, Christian Meier, Udo Passenberg, Andreas Pawlowski, Norbert Rescher, Stefan Schulz, Thomas Schweres, Dirk Schütter; I was there myself too. As you can see from the track list, there are many well-known musicians again; very nice, also a musician. Thank you very much, dear artist, for your musical gift! I really enjoyed listening for hours while selecting, I hope you like some of the 13 pieces too. The creative musicians got most of their inspiration from Greek mythology: Orpheus, Prometheus, Poseidon, the Trojan horse, the sirens, the river Styx in the underworld, but also from the Aborigines, in Iceland, … Well, none of that should exist anymore. See piece 3: “2012”. According to the Mayan calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012, the world should end then. We know better! You will soon be able to read the musicians’ thoughts on their pieces, including a photo, on www.schallwen.de. The cover image with the stylized goddesses is also there. Many thanks to Udo Passenberg, who once again put a lot of effort into the layout for the 2024 record with numerous drafts. A beautiful, well-rounded disc worth listening to with varied, excellent electronic music. I hope you enjoy listening; stay tuned to us as a schallwende member |
=========================================== Propaganda – Propaganda (CD) (Instock) https://www.groove.nl/shop/propaganda-propaganda/?v=1a13105b7e4e Propaganda – Propaganda (Vinyl) https://www.groove.nl/shop/propaganda-propaganda-vinyl/?v=1a13105b7e4e ![]() 1 They Call Me Nocebo 5:01 2 Purveyor Of Pleasure 4:14 3 Vicious Circle 3:42 4 Tipping Point 3:39 5 Distant 4:45 6 Love:Craft 5:53 7 Dystopian Waltz 7:27 8 Wenn Ich Mir Was Wünschen Dürfte 5:18 Forty years since their inception, and almost two decades since their last release, art-synth auteurs Propaganda return with a brand new chapter in their enthralling story. This self-titled set from principal songwriting partnership Ralf Dörper and Michael Mertens embodies the depth and drama of their early work, while exploring fresh sounds and styles, and reflecting the personal and societal changes since their last outing. Conceived and crafted entirely in their native Düsseldorf, a deliberate decision to help them stay true to themselves, and featuring guest appearances from the acclaimed Hauschka and ascendant Thunder Bae, this is Propaganda at their most essential. released October 11, 2024 =========================================== Gunter Schickert – Samtvogel (CD) (Instock) https://www.groove.nl/shop/gunter-schickert-samtvogel/?v=1a13105b7e4e Gunter Schickert – Samtvogel (RED EDITION) https://www.groove.nl/shop/gunter-schickert-samtvogel-red-edition/?v=1a13105b7e4e Gunter Schickert – Samtvogel (Vinyl) https://www.groove.nl/shop/gunter-schickert-samtvogel-vinyl/?v=1a13105b7e4e ![]() A 1. Apricot Brandy A 2. Kriegsmaschinen, fahrt zur Hölle B 3. Wald It’s hardly a secret that there was a lot of movement in German pop music during the late 60s and early 70s of the last century, and that many new things emerged then. Countless books have already been published on the subject of ‘Krautrock’, and many LPs from this period have been re-released. Günter Schickert only released two LPs in the 70s: “Überfällig” (Sky Records, 1979 / Bureau B, 2012) and “Samtvogel” (Brain, 1976). Now, exactly 50 years after its original release, “Samtvogel” has returned. |
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