E-News 1364 – E-Day edition April 10th 2024
Dear customers, friends, followers and supporters,

So in in 10 days we have E-Day 2024 at the CKE.
We are sold out again 🙂 !!
And yes we will be handling the catering our selves again with great coffee, fresh pie’s (Limburg!!), soup, sandwiches, drinks etc etc. So if you did not get a ticket, the stall area and the Foyer concert are free to visit!!

E-Day discount offer!!

Yes we do have a special discount for people who want to pick up items on E-Day.
You can get a 15% discount on all items that are instock!! ONLY INSTOCK ITEMS!!
(if you already ordered fro E-Day te be picked up we will apply the discount!)

You can do this in 2 ways.
One way is just to order through the website and use the “Direct bank transfer” as payment. This is how it looks on the site!!

But don’t pay!! Do this on E-Day and put in the txt section to us that you want to pick it up at E-Day. Monique will take care of the discount and also to remove the Shipping cost.

And she will send you a conformation through our ordering system.
That way we can bring it to E-Day for you with the discount!

Or you send us a mail (ron@groove.nl) with what you want us to bring and we will take care of it!  You will get a conformation mail about it before E-Day.

E-Day 2024 discount for non visitors!!

But we are NOT forgetting our regular customers, for you we have a 10% discount on all orders for items that are instock!! Just use the coupon code – E-day –  and it will be applied to your order!!

All not instock items are not eligible for the discount so do not put them with that order!! E-Day 2024 information. E-day 2024 will be held again in the
CKE in Eindhoven
Pastoor Petersstraat 180,
5612 LW Eindhoven

The building looks like this.

Best parking space is just 50 meters from the venue!!
And only € 9.00 for the whole day!!

And this is the planned concert times for E-Day 2024

12:00 / Bar area open
12:30 / Box office open (Day opens)
Aprox 13:00 / Concert in small Area / Kellerkind Berlin

14:00  –  14:15  Door opens (hall) entrance of visitors.
14:15 – 15:00 Concert – Perge
15:00 – 15:25   Pauze / Break

15:25 – 15:35 Door opens (hall) entrance of visitors.
15:35 – 16:45 Concert –  Gert Emmens & Ron Boots
16:45 – 19:00   Dinner Break / Concert in small Area / Kellerkind Berlin

19:00 – 19:15   Door opens (hall) entrance of visitors.
19:15 – 20:15 Concert –  Matzumi
20:15 – 20:45   ( Pauze) doors open on 20:35 (hall) entrance of visitors.

20:45 – 21:55 –  Sequentia Legenda & Tommy Betzler 
23.00 – Empty of the hall.

Well that is it!!

Thanks for your time.
Ron & Monique
Copyright © 2024 Groove Unlimited, All rights reserved.