E-News 1318 April 14th 2023

E-News 1318 April 14th 2023Hi EM fans.Again this week over 300 titles came in stock. YMO, Nautilus, Erbe, lot’s of Tangerine Dream, Jarre, Oldfield etc.They are now all in stock. Groove is on it’s way to a 70/75% in stock level of all items in the...

E-News 1317 April 7th 2023

E-News 1317 April 7th 2023Welcome to a new E-News,Sad news this week.Ryuichi Sakamoto died on March 28 at the age of 71, he was one of Japan’s most internationally recognized musicians, celebrated as an electronic innovator, movie composer and sometime pop star. His...

E-News 1316 March 30th 2023

E-News 1316 March 30th 2023 Welcome to this early E-News.This will be a long one!! (let me know if it is to We will be away on a small weekend from tomorrow, Monday we will be sending off new parcel. But to make it worth your while to wait we have a whole catalog...

E-News 1315 March 26th 2023

E-News 1315 March 26th 2023Welcome EM lovers.We had a great day at the Antenne festival yesterday, a lot of new faces and new music! I saw some surprising good new acts I never heard before. And the interlude talks of Paul Verkempinck where very cool. An amazing...

E-News 1314 March 18th 2023

E-News 1314 March 18th 2023 Welcome to this new E-News.Saturday March 25 Day 2 of the Antenna festival.For those wo come if you pre-order CDs that we can bring a long we have a 10% discount!!This is for ALL products in the Groove Catalog!!So get tickets and book that...

E-News 1313 March 4th 2023

E-News 1313 March 4th 2023Hello Electronic music fans.Issue 1313 !! mmmm glad I am not superstitious :-)Sorry for not making a new Dreamscape like promised but I got the flue after the Election evening and I was not in a state to make the radio show. But we have a new...

E-News 1312 February 27th 2023

E-News 1312 February 27th 2023 Hello all.We had a great Saturday evening at the Schallwelle-Preisverleihung.And what a great evening for Groove as a label again!  With our musicians F.D. Project, Gert Emmens, Skoulaman, Synth.nl and Rob Papen & me in the...

E-News 1311 February 18th 2023

E-News 1311 February 18th 2023Hello all.Here a new E-News. And we start with a question, normally we send out E-News on Sunday. And I am planning to change it to another day. What would be your perfect day to get out weekly newsletter.If you have any thoughts on...

E-News 1310 February 12th 2023

E-News 1310 February 12th 2023Hi EM lovers.At this moment the new shop is running really well, and adding titles is much easier and it makes my life and that of Monique a bit easier. Some are having problems with the Captcha security so we have disabled this for now....

E-News 1309 February 5th 2023

Welcome to a new E-News.E-Day sales are through the roof, weird more then 50 Tickets already gone. Well you really seem to like the program we have made. Check the info later in E-News!!The new Groove release from the E-Live performance of Stephen Whitlan and...

E-News 1308 January 29th 2023

E-News 1308 January 29th 2023A new E-News with lots of concert and festival news.But first some news on the new website. We have an RSS feed again on the site, so get those news notes as soon as they are published. And YEP we listen to you, our customers. the ABC is...

E-News 1307 January 22th 2023

E-News 1307 Januari 22th 2023Hello All.Thanks for all the nice and uplifting reactions on the new site.Also for the criticism, we take that serious also!Many enjoyed the new look and the layout.Some missed a few things on the new site so we are working on that.Most...

E-News 1306 January 16th 2023

Hello all.Well !! Here it is. The new Groove Unlimited shop!www.groove.nlwww.groove.nl (the new look!)For some  it will be connecting again to a new way of ordering and searching but we hope all will enjoy the new features and info we have added. And this is a site...

E-News 1305 January 8th 2023

[Groove] E-News 1305 January 8th 2023Welcome to this new E-News.We hope to launch te new webstore next week or the week after that, we are in the final stages of testing and editing. That is why we have not  entered any new releases on the old site. But If you wait...

E-News 1304 Januari 1st 2023

[Groove] E-News 1304 January 1st 2023 Hello all,Monique and me wish you a very good, prosper and healthy 2023.First of all a big thanks to everybody who helped andsupported us in 2022. We couldn’t have done it withoutyou.Secondly a big thanks to all our...

E-News 1303 24th December 2022

[Groove] E-News 1303 24th December 2022 Hello Electronic lovers.2022, what a year.2 days ago I got the very sad news that my friend and great musician Steve Smith died.So many great evenings we had before a E-Day or E-Live at my home.His music with Volt and his solo...

E-News 1302 18th December 2022

[Groove] E-News 1302 18th December 2022Welcome allAgain a big loss for our scene Another great pioneer of Electronic Music has left us.Manuel Gottsching has died at the age of 70. Founder of Ashra Temple and Ashra and numerous great musical releases are his...

E-News 1301 11th December 2022

[Groove] E-News 1301 11th December 2022Hello All.Cool news, we have the concert from me and Rob Papen ready for a release its called.GR-339 / “A November evening @ CKE”Ron Boots & Rob PapenWith guest drummer Harold van der HeijdenRecorded...

E-News 1300 / 4th December 2022

[Groove] E-News 1300 / 4th December 2022Hello EM fans.Cool news first of all.E-Day 2023 will be on Saturday the 20th of May !!E-Live 2023 will be on Saturday the 14th of October !!Yes and again in Het CKE!! We had a great talk with the management and they where as...

E-News 1299 27th November 2022 Blackfriday extra

[Groove] E-News 1299 27th November 2022Blackfriday extra Hi Em FansMany new releases are in most awaited is the new Emmens &Heij on Higher Ground.All will ship tomorrow so if you want is in and have a listen soon just order away!Emmens, Gert & Heij, Ruud...

E-News 1298 6th November 2022 Extra Edition

More cool E-News just came in for our TD fans.. Many of you will know that USA specialist soundtrack label Varese Sarabande have recently exclusively released TANGERINE DREAM’s ‘Firestarter’ on CD and Coloured Vinyl, and now they have also released...

E-News 1298 6th November 2022

Hi A cool new E-News with exciting news. During E-Live we will have copies of these.Later in the month the will be released but YEP again E-Live has a skoop!!Check these great releases out! And they are also featured in this weeks Dreamscape Radio.Rolf Trostel –...