- Wireless – Live At The Arnolfini, Bristol [62:12]
- Pneuma
- Shenzou
- Birds Fly By Flapping Their Wongs
- Kobresia
- When I Leave
- Warmed By The Drift
- The Things I Tell You
- Moistened And Dried
- Sherbrooke
- Calais Ferryport
- Pneuma II
Live at the Arnolfini, Bristol OVERSTOCK PRICE REDUCTION
Max Schaefer –
Geir Jenssen‘s dark minimal pulsations were in recent efforts condensed into a frigid boil, a threnody of interstellar space. With this effort, originally designed for live performance, with space built in for rhythmic and melodic improvisation, the ambient techno dimension reappears, though significantly slanted toward the maverick, marginal and minor.
Jenssen appears to be interested in a kind of generative music on this occasion; a shape-shifting mobile whose linked series of sub-movements allow tension to slowly accumulate through measured release.
Some solar wind whistling whittles into a fluid, watery treble on the opening piece. Anders Karlskas heaving trombone later arises from within this thick sonic space, as it does in several places over the course of the record, the frigid boil that serves as the cumulative effect of the initial seeps and sags.
In its most pronounced moments, rhythmic structures ring out as hissy crinkles that sound like ice cracking on a frozen lake. During Kobresia”