1-Ulluriaq Star Star 7’51
2-Kataujak Rainbow Rainbow 7’27
3-Tauvigjuaq The Great Darkness La Grande Obscurité 10’24
4-Siqniq Sun Sun 7’49
5-Taqqiq Moon Moon 7’48
6-Unnuaq Night Night 7’58
7-Aqsarniq Northern Light Aurora Borealis 7’57
Qilak continues, in its own way, the line of my previous solo albums already inspired by the work of American minimalists Steve Reich and Terry Riley. That is to say, more clearly, that we will find neither melodies nor layers, only improvisations made on an analog sequencer itself integrated into a Eurorack modular system equipped with a powerful echo device. On this basis, as a dressing and additional pleasure for the ear, are superimposed various additions created with Audacity. This excellent free software thus serving both as a recording studio and a sound laboratory. Qilak being made up of 7 pieces, it is therefore as many sequential improvisations fleshed out and transformed which are offered to listen to. Listening which must be peaceful and attentive in order to follow with gentleness and flexibility the evolution and the meanders of each of these improvisations.
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