Gert Emmens – Tale of the warlock


Released: 2006 By Groove Unlimited

175 in stock


  1. The Warlock Returns [10:33]
  2. Warlock meets the Young Princess [16:24]MP3 soundclip of Warlock meets the young princess [3:00]
  3. Myths and Legends as told by the Storyteller [13:45]
  4. The Dream That Came True [3:47]
  5. The Confrontation � Warlock versus the Wizard of the Dark [17:17]MP3 soundclip of The confrontation [3:00]
  6. Ghosts Calling from Yonder [11:20]
  7. Warlock�s Death [5:11]MP3 soundclip of Warlock`s death [3:00]

Sequences and aggressive solos

Additional information

Weight 105 g



Jewel Case

7 reviews for Gert Emmens – Tale of the warlock

  1. Sylvain Lupari / & synth&

    Since Wanderer of Times, released in 03, Gert Emmens built himself a solid reputation to write very harmonious opuses which bubble in a fauna of sequences with tricky and complexly melodious movements. Futuristic or medieval themes, the Dutch synthesist always succeeds to bring out again a melodious and catchy aspect out of his wonderful musical journeys. The Tale of the Warlock is Gert Emmens’ 1st concept album. An imaginary quest of which the music espouses to perfection the romantic imagination of a musician with whom evolution doesn’t stop surprising and charming.

    A scheming intro welcomes us with The Warlock Returns”. A breath from the shadows leaves a threatening sound imprint

  2. Fabrice Baudinot

    Je voulais juste vous feliciter pour votre derniere production qui est remarquable comme toutes les autres d’ailleurs….
    Longue vie votre musique….

    2006. Fabrice Baudinot

  3. Uwe Sae

    Ich freumich jetzt schon auf die nchste cd……. seine Musik ist immer was besonderes. Gert erzhlt musikalisch Geschichten, deren Bilder man sich beim hren sehr gut vorstellen kann.
    Die Stimmungen , die Klangbilder kommen in der Musik unheimlich toll rber. Da stimmt alles. Und das schne: Er bleibt seinem Stil treu. The Tale Of The Warlock” ist eine wahnsinnig tolle cd

  4. Artemi Pugachov / Encyclopedia of Electronic Music

    A very moody beginning gets Warlock Returns” underway – typical Emmens

  5. Phil Derby / Electroambient Space

    Gert Emmens inimitable and instantly recognizable style sets him apart from his Berlin school classmates. This time around, Gert tells The Tale of the Warlock, a sweeping epic told in a brief paragraph on the booklet; the lengthy track titles, the music, and the listeners imagination fill in the gaps.

    The Warlock Returns” begins in dreamy shadows

  6. Stephan Schelle

    Mit The Tale Of The Warlock” liefert der Niederlnder Gert Emmens sein mittlerweile neuntes Soloalbum ab. Nachdem sich Gert auf seinem letzten Album eher mit einer Endzeitstimmung befasste

  7. Mark Jenkins

    Gert Emmens is pretty much typical of Groove artists, mixing abstract sequencer music with some slightly more composed passages, having moved up from short run CDR releases to this pretty much professional looking title.

    The Dream That Came True” was created entirely on a Yamaha CS80 so inevitably sounds a bit like Vangelis

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