Klaus Schulze’s Richard Wahnfried – Megatone (Tunderbold) (2nd hand)


Released: CDTB 031

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1/Miditation 25:33
2/Midiaction 29:28

“Wahnfried” is actually a side project for Klaus Schulze. Schulze has offered a couple of reasons why the Wahnfried project. One is that it gives him a chance to collaborate with other artists, although he has done that on Schulze albums as well. The other is that it gives him a chance to explore different musical territories, which it definitely has. Wahnfried’s first few efforts were in a more “rock” vein, while the last three covered techno territory. This one however, sounds like a mixture of a few earlier Klaus Schulze albums, and probably would have fit under his own name. Track 1 is with Steve Jollife (flute) and starts with synths and flute, reminding me of Edgar Froese’s “Stuntman” album. After a few minutes the sequencer comes on, and the middle piece of the track sounds like “Trancefer”, with flute instead of cello. Track 2 starts off with “Wahnfried 1883” (from “Timewind”) type ambience, when a “Body Love” sequence starts to bubble, mixed with Michael Shrieve-ish percussion, although he doesn’t play on this album. Fans of early 80’s Klaus Schulze should really like this, as it sounds more “Schulzian” than one would expect, coming under the Wahnfried name.

Additional information

Weight 105 g





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