- Tick Tock [10:00]
- The Realms of the Unreal [10:00]
- Forever Endeavor [10:00]
- Flesh and Blood [10:00]
- The Unveiling Moment [10:00]
- MirrororriM [10:00]
Creative and inventive
Creative and inventive
Weight | 105 g |
Medium | CD, MP3, FLAC |
Package | Jewel Case |
Roy –
Apparently some of the themes Paul found suggested by and influencing the music, were Time, Mortality, Autumn, Echoes, and the equal length of the tracks was an exercise in saying all he wanted to get across,in pre-set time frames.
But what about the music itself. Well I have to say as a big fan of Paul’s, that on first listen to this album, I thoroughly enjoyed it. As a musical experience I found it very relaxing. But Paul had lulled me into a false sense of security as on the last track a beautiful melancholic cello piece played by Brenda Erikson, suddenly gives way to a kick ass sequencer fest completely jolting me out of the cosy comfortable doze I had slipped into towards the end of this sequencer extravaganza, which finds Paul really enjoying himself,he starts imploding the driving sequencer line back in on itself, and then goes on to create some more incredible effects, that I won’t even attempt to describe. Brilliant! An absolutely cracking track, but I’d like a bit more warning in future please Paul.Thank you!!!
The wonderful track I mentioned before, that Paul did with Nemesis, has found it’s way on to the album as track 3, entitled, Forever Endeavor, and a very welcome addition it is too. For me it has references to TD‘s Stratosfear album, and is truly superb, including lovely Mellotron effects. Not to be missed.
The rest of the album is also of the highest quality, with Paul’s musical brilliance permeating the whole affair. There is just something about Paul’s music that I find utterly compelling, and I was hooked and entertained from start to finish.
Paul suggested the album has an overall melancholic feel to it, which I didn’t pick up on at first, but as I’ve listened again I do see what he means.
The album isn’t depressing, but it does have a reflective and pensive quality. That is, until it kicks you up the backside in the last track
.I think this maybe Paul in playful mode. You decide.
2006. Roy
Guts of Darkness –
Paul Ellis est un musicien amricain qui aime les atmosphres et les sons ambiants. Trs attir par le mouvement Europen, sa musique donne un mlange unique qui fascine et qui tonne dcoute en coute. The Infinity Room, son 8ime opus, nchappe pas cette rgle. Cest un cd truff deffets sonores varis et de nappes synthtiques denses. Six titres pour 60 minutes, six titres qui durent 10 minutes chaque. Le timing est parfois brusque, mais lide de base est assez originale.
Tick Tock dmarre sur une bonne basse atmosphrique. Le rythme est doux, comme un souffle cosmique, entour de belles envoles synthtiques. Le synth se dgage de lemprise atmosphrique et suinte de belles lignes mlodieuses, dont une superbe sur une air de gros carillon. Divin.
The Realms of the Unreal souffle un vent synthtique qui pousse des effets sonores entours de fluides synthtiques aux diffrents aspects. Les notes virevoltent dans une atmosphre cosmique et se tortillent entre elles. Ce royaume de lirrel baigne dans un univers sonore riche o les bruits fusionnent avec des lignes synthtiques aux diffrentes tonalits. Trs atmosphrique, a fait trs Michael Stearns sur MOcean.
Cette ambiance thre se poursuit avec Forever Endeavor o une flte synthtique pousse un air du moyen orient. Un truc inattendu qui donne son effet. Statiques, les multiples effets crent un tempo lent qui se dandine sur une ligne basse arabesque.
L intro atmosphrique Flesh and Blood tourne en une jolie mlodie squentielle. Accompagne par des effets sonores dominants, cette douce ligne sefface pour faire place un souffle mi humain mi cosmique et se mtamorphose en un rythme plus effrn, plus pesant. Les percussions martlent le mouvement hypnotique qui schappe des souffles synthtiques. Le mellotron est suave et dlirant. Un bon titre qui a du coffre, de la profondeur.
The Unveiling Moment ne dvoile pas grand-chose, si ce nest que la qute dun long voyage intrieur. Un titre trs relaxant o la quitude des effets sonores dune fort aux milles attraits nous transporte sur nappe de synth aussi dense que relaxante.
Nous retrouvons la fracheur de la flte synthtique qui amorce lincroyable vire de MirrororriM. Un titre trange qui dfonce et qui fait dcaper la peinture sur les murs. Trs rythm, les synths se font des changes cosmiques sur des lignes de basse qui fusent de toute part. Un Jean Michel Jarre sur le speed. Incroyablement dense, riche et cosmique. Il est exactement limage de son titre. Ceux qui disent et pensent que la M est ennuyante peuvent aller se rhabiller.
The Infinity Room est un superbe opus. En ce qui me concerne, cest le meilleur, date, en 2006. Un titre trs riche qui allie les atmosphres ambiantes et spatiales aux rythmes sombres. Des rythmes volutifs en constantes harmonies avec les superbes et denses nappes synthtique. Pour les amateurs datmosphrique, The Infinity Room doit figurer sur votre liste de prochaines dpenses. Pour les amateurs de lignes squentielles la Berlin School, cest un excellent compromis.
The Infinity Room est un opus qui navigue bien entre les deux parallles culturels.
2006. Guts of Darkness
Phil Derby / Electroambient Space –
Paul Ellis unique brand of electronic synthesizer music starts slow, subdued, and utterly cool with Tick Tock”
Erwin Broers / Belgium –
Six tracks on this CD with each a very different atmosphere. It is therefore unlikely that the mainstream EM-fan will enjoy the whole album. However, hats off for Paul Ellis because he has managed to make wandering off the beaten track” his trademark. On this CD we hear a blend of a lot of styles.
For instance
Roy Jackson / UK –
This album is another great addition to the Paul Ellis catalogue, imbued with his usual brilliant creativity and invention. He is a truly unique artist and continues that tradition here.
The music is pure listening pleasure,with Paul’s beautifully crafted and layered electronica totally entertaining you from start to finish. It also has that intelligent and reflective vibe that is so typical of Paul’s work,and i found it overall to be a totally soothing and uplifting experience.The final track MirrororriM, is a sequencer extravaganza and a dramatic step up in pace compared with the rest of the album. I found it totally amazing. There is a section towards the end, where Paul appears to stop the sequencer line almost in its tracks, and then it implodes.
He does this several times and it’s amazing.A superb way to finish the album.If this wasn’t enough,the third track is one he did with Nemesis called Forever Endeavor, and it’s absolutely fantastic.
It has a bit of a TD Stratosfear feel to it, but at the same time is totally fresh and new. Superb!
I highly recommend this album to all fans of Paul Ellis, and if you haven’t sampled his work before, here is a great place to start.
You won’t be sorry you did.
2006. Roy Jackson / UK