- 01 � The 10th movement Move the living body Ascending Life Form
- 02 � 3rd movement Into the universe Into The Outer Space Based on Villa-Lobos No. 7 Brazilian Bach
- 03 � 4th movement Landing on The Asteroid 25143 Itokawa at Planet Itokawa Based on Leo � dolbe composi
- tion Coppelia waltz
- 04 � The 5th movement Mourning Song Song of Grief Based on Villa-Lobos No. 4 Brazilian Bach
- 05 � End of the 6th movement End of The Time Richard Wagners composition Tristan and Isolde based on t
- he death of love
- 06 � 7 th movement, Sunrise Rise of The Planet 9
New Tomita Album Features Live Symphony Of Final Work, Dr. Coppelius JAPAN IMPORT
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