Transceive – Exit to Nowhere


Released: 2016 By Steven Nelson

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SKU: 61230 Category: Tag:


  1. Long Path To Nowhere [14:50]
  2. Circe Complex [7:12]
  3. Through The Dark Lane [6:12]
  4. Route X [7:41]
  5. Exit To Nowhwere [9:58]
  6. Break Down The Doors [7:27]
  7. The Path Splits… [9:48]

Style: Dyson, Whitlan, Shreeve and Andy Pickford. Cool sequencing music with strong melodies.

Additional information

Weight 105 g



Jewel Case

1 review for Transceive – Exit to Nowhere

  1. Sylvain Lupari / &

    In 15 years EM has more that evolved. It went out of its bed to draw tributaries of psybient, EDM, Poland and Roumanian School. These 15 years also separate the first album of Transceive and this Exit To Nowhere. There was well a compilation in 2006, Transformation 88:98, and a single in 2011 entitled The Circe Complex. In the meantime, Steve Nelson undertakes to build his own Modular synth system and acquires Moog Minimoog. And if 15 years separate Intrigue from Exit To Nowhere, the ardour of Transceive isn’t less decreased. Far from it! Always inspired by Mark Shreeve and Tangerine Dream as well as the kind of electro synth-pop music of Jean Michel Jarre, Steve Nelson delivers us an album of a rare violence for an EM which flirts mainly with the model of the England School and this intelligent techno of the Jive label in the 80’s. And the Modular synth goes us straight into ears with lead in its system!

    And that begins with riffs and layers of synth which lay down their ambient harmonies in a rather contemplative intro. The tint becomes more misty with a second flight of layers which unwinds now an aura of mysticism. The sound effects paint the heavens, while sibylline harmonies extricate themselves from this sound magma which we feel on the point to explode. Twisted apocalyptic solos arise and a line of sequences which jumps on the same pace lights the breakneck pace of The Long Path to Nowhere” and its chthonian choirs. Cymbals sparkle in this opening to the rhythm while that real percussions

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